Legacy V2 Person Migration
Legacy V2 Person to V3 Enrich Person
With the release of our new Enrich API on our next generation platform, a lot of new functionality is now available for enriching person and company profiles. To take advantage of this new functionality, you will need to upgrade your code and integrations that use the existing Person API. While each implementation is different, this guide will walk through the common steps needed to upgrade for most situations.
Previous V2 Person API Request
curl -H "X-FullContact-APIKey:{Your API Key}" "https://api.fullcontact.com/v2/[email protected]"
Enriching the same contact with V3 Person Enrich API
curl -X POST https://api.fullcontact.com/v3/person.enrich \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {Your API Key}" \
-d '{"email":"[email protected]"}'
- Get a New API Key. Authentication in our new API platform has changed to allow for added levels of security. This means you’ll need to create a new key to use the latest APIs. We’ve made these new keys backwards-compatible, so once you generate a new one, you can use it for both our new Enrich and Resolve APIs as well as the existing Person and Company APIs.
To generate a new API key, visit the FullContact Platform. From the main page of the, click the “Generate API Key” button and follow the dialog prompt to create a new key. Once the new key is generated, be sure to copy it into your code immediately - we’ll only show you this key once.
- Update Your Requests. Our new API has a different request structure, with a different mechanism for sending your API key as well as a different way for sending matching criteria for person and company profiles.
- Authorization Header In the previous version of the API, API keys could be sent either as a query parameter, or within the X-FullContact-APIKey header. With the new API, keys are now sent across within the Authorization header, with the string “Bearer “ (yes, that’s a space after “Bearer”) added to the beginning of your key. This is the only allowed method for including keys in the new API.
- POST instead of GET One of the more significant changes in our API is the move to an RPC-style interface instead of REST. This means that all requests to our new APIs will be done using the POST method instead of GET. Be sure that you code is updated to now send requests using the POST method.
- Query Changes In our previous API, lookup parameters for both Person and Company were sent as query parameters in the request. In our new APIs, this information is now sent across as keys inside of a post body object, referred to as the Multi Field Request. All of the previous queryable fields (email address, phone, etc.) are still supported in the Enrich API.
- Parse the Response. Our new APIs now return only JSON, so if your code is using something other than JSON today, be sure to update it to accept a JSON response. The structure of the response is also different, so you will need to change how you are accessing the various elements. View our Person Insights Bundles and Company Insights Bundles documentation sections for details on what the new response looks like.
Updated 5 months ago