Response Codes & Errors
Response Codes & Errors
All responses from the FullContact API use HTTPS status codes along with additional information encoded
as JSON in the response body in the message
field. Generally, responses returned with a status code in the 2xx
range indicate success, those in the 4xx
range indicate an error usually resulting from a problem in the request
or difficulty finding data, and those in the 5xx
range indicate an issue on FullContact's servers.
Different errors may result in the same HTTPS status code. Because of this, it is important to observe not only the
response code, but also the JSON body, which will include additional details about the response,
including more details around error cases.
A list of general response codes and a description of each is available below.
Specific response codes for individual endpoints have been documented along side the request for each endpoint.
Response Codes | |
200 - OK | The request was successful. |
202 - Accepted | Your request is currently being processed. You can check again later to see the request has been processed. |
400 - Bad Request | Your request was malformed. |
403 - Forbidden | Your API key is invalid, missing, or has exceeded its quota. **Plans that have overages enabled will not receive a 403 response when they exceed their allotted matches. They will only receive a 403 for exceeding rate limit quotas. |
404 - Not Found | The request query was searched in the past 24 hours and nothing was found. |
405 - Method Not Allowed | You have queried the API with an unsupported HTTPS method. Retry your query with either GET or POST. |
410 - Gone | This resource cannot be found. You will receive this status code if you attempt to query our deprecated V1 endpoints. |
422 - Invalid | Invalid or missing API query parameter. |
500 - Server Error | Something is broken on FullContact's side. If you encounter this, please contact us at [email protected] for assistance. |
503 - Service Unavailable | There is a transient downstream error condition. We include a 'Retry-After' header dictating when to attempt the call again. |
Updated over 3 years ago