Getting Started
Let's get the FullContact webtag installed on your Wordpress website!
There are multiple options for installation
You can install the FullContact webtag directly within your Theme Editor (advanced), you can include the webtag via your Google Tag Manager installation, or you can install using a code / snippet management plugin available for Wordpress like WPCode or Simple Custom CSS and JS.
For this tutorial we're going to install the FullContact webtag directly using the Theme Editor.
You must have generated a webtag in the FullContact platform, and copied the code for that webtag.
You can generate the webtag from within Configuration > Generate the Tag
Step 1 - Access your theme files
Login to your Wordpress website, and go to Appearance > Theme File Editor.
Open the footer.php file, or the equivalent template file for your footer used for your particular theme.
Note: You can install the script in the header (within tags) or the footer of your website. It's typically best practice to install the webtag in the footer for page load / performance considerations.
Step 2 - Paste webtag into your file
Paste your webtag code just before your closing body tag. See the screenshot below.
Your installation would look something like this in your footer template file.
Step 3 - Save your changes
Click Update File to save your changes to the file.
Step 4 - Verify your installation
Now that your Wordpress installation should be complete, you can verify that everything is setup correctly.
Head back to the FullContact platform and go to Configuration > Verify Install to check and make sure your tag is setup correctly.
Note: When you verify your install, if you have an ad blocker or a consent manager platform the test will verify. That doesn't mean that your installation isn't done correctly, only that the test feature won't work for your website.
You're Done!
Great! Now you've installed the FullContact tag on your Wordpress website.
You will start to see data populate within the FullContact platform over the next 24-48 hours.
Updated 12 months ago