Person Insights Bundles

Insights Bundles Data Dictionary

This Data Dictionary is a collection of names,definitions,volumes/coverage,attributes about data elements and its examples that are being sent via the Person Insights Bundles. It describes the meanings and purposes of data elements and provides guidance on interpretation.

Download FullContact Data Dictionary here

What Triggers an Insights Bundle?

Do you want to better understand how/when an Insights Bundle will be sent via API and populated for a given individual?

A "match" can be defined in various ways across industries so we’re here to help breakdown our logic for a more meaningful match.

A match starts with the notion of an identity - do we know enough about an individual with a high enough confidence to build a more robust picture? If so, we can match to a persistent FullContact Person ID (PID). Once that happens, FullContact has the capability to share more about an individual within each Enrichment Insights Bundle. From here, we match to and enrich with more information about an individual to help propel your business initiatives and further your relationship.

Plan Configuration

To configure the Insights Bundles for your plan, visit the Plan & Billing section within the FullContact Platform. From here you can see and manage the Insights Bundles that are enabled for your account, along with the associated cost for each. Customers with custom plans will need to contact their sales representative to have Insights Bundles configured for their account.

Person Insights Bundles

Person Insights Bundles are a feature within Enrich that enable you to customize the Person Enrichment response, further enriching a contact with data such as online identifiers, Employment History, and more provided we have a match to that individual.

Below are a list of the currently available Insights Bundles, along with example objects that would be returned in a response. Insights Bundles available will be returned as a key inside of the details property of a Person Summary object.

Individual Plus Insights

The Individual Plus Insights Bundle contains the entire suite of information for a profile, including age gender,known locations,household composition,financial characteristics,purchase and shopping habits,along with known hashed emails for the profile. This Insights Bundles will be returned in the demographics,locations,households,finances,triggers,market trends,purchases,education and email hash and keys in the details object represents a Person Summary.

  "name" : {
    "given" : "Angus",
    "family" : "De Vaca",
    "full" : "Angus De Vaca"
  "age" : {
    "range" : "40-49",
    "value" : 40
  "gender" : "Male",
  "household" : {
    "familyInfo" : {
      "householdSize" : "4",
      "numberOfAdults" : "1",
      "numberOfChildren" : "2",
      "lifeCycles" : {
        "babyBoomers" : "Y",
        "dualIncomeNoKids" : "Y",
        "familyTies" : "Y",
        "generationX" : "Y",
        "millenials" : "Y",
        "millenialsButFirstLetMeTakeASelfie" : "Y",
        "millenialsGettinHitched" : "Y",
        "millenialsIAmAnAdult" : "Y",
        "millenialsLivesWithMom" : "Y",
        "millenialsMomLife" : "Y",
        "millenialsPuttingDownRoots" : "Y"
    "homeInfo" : {
      "dwellingType" : "Business",
      "householdEducation" : "College",
      "maritalStatus" : "At least 1 single",
      "lengthOfResidence" : "20+ yrs",
      "householdOccupation" : "Lawyers-Judges",
      "homeMarketValue" : "3154S",
      "yearHomeBuilt" : "1968"
    "locationInfo" : {
      "nielsenCountySize" : "All counties in the next largest set of metropolitan areas which together account for 30% of U.S. households in the 2010 census. No non-metropolitan counties are large enough to qualify as A or B counties.",
      "carrierRoute" : "C024",
      "coreBasedStatisticalArea" : "33221",
      "blockGroupNumber" : "8",
      "censusTractSuffix" : "0",
      "countyCode" : "115",
      "dsfSeasonCode" : "B"
    "presence" : {
      "presenceOfChildren" : "Y",
      "adult" : {
        "age18to24" : "Male",
        "age25to34" : "Female",
        "age35to44" : "Female",
        "age45to54" : "Male",
        "age55to64" : "Female",
        "age65to74" : "Male",
        "age75above" : "Female"
    "finance" : {
      "income" : "$30,000 - $39,999",
      "discretionarySpendingIncome" : "$65,000 - $74,999",
      "firstMortgageAmountInThousands" : "5147",
      "homeMarketValueTaxRecord" : "453",
      "investmentResources" : "$250,000 - $499,999",
      "liquidResources" : "$500 - $2,499",
      "shortTermLiability" : "$50,000 or more",
      "netWorth" : "$150,000 - $249,999",
      "wealthResources" : "$250,000 - $499,999",
      "paymentMethodCreditCard" : "Y"
  "demographics" : {
    "gender" : "Male",
    "age": {
            "birthday": {
                "year": 1962,
                "month": 7,
                "day": 12
            "range": "60-69",
            "value": 60
    "birth" : {
      "birthMonth" : "null",
      "birthYear" : "null"
    "homeInfo" : {
      "homeOwner" : "Definite Renter"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "niches" : "Chic Society"
    "maritalInfo" : {
      "maritalStatus" : "Married"
  "surveys" : {
    "own" : {
      "smartPhone" : "Y",
      "cat" : "Y",
      "dog" : "Y",
      "pets" : "Y"
    "collectibles" : {
      "dolls" : "Y",
      "figurines" : "Y",
      "any" : "Y",
      "artAntique" : "Y"
    "dietConcerns" : {
      "naturalFoods" : "Y",
      "diet" : "Y",
      "weightControl" : "Y"
    "hobby" : {
      "baking" : "Y",
      "cigarSmoking" : "Y",
      "cooking" : "Y",
      "crafts" : "Y",
      "gardening" : "Y",
      "homeStudyCourses" : "Y",
      "quilting" : "Y",
      "selfImprovementCourses" : "Y",
      "woodworking" : "Y",
      "photography" : "Y",
      "careerAdvancementCourses" : "Y",
      "any" : "Y",
      "automotiveWork" : "Y",
      "birdFeedingOrWatching" : "Y",
      "culturalArtsOrEvents" : "Y",
      "gourmetFoods" : "Y",
      "homeImprovementOrDIY" : "Y",
      "motorcycleRiding" : "Y",
      "scrapbooking" : "Y",
      "sewingOrNeedleworkOrKnitting" : "Y",
      "wine" : "Y"
    "investments" : {
      "juvenileLifeInsurance" : "Y",
      "burialInsurance" : "Y",
      "insurance" : "Y",
      "investments" : "Y",
      "lifeInsurance" : "Y",
      "medicareCoverage" : "Y",
      "mutualFunds" : "Y",
      "stocksOrBonds" : "Y"
    "music" : {
      "classical" : "Y",
      "country" : "Y",
      "jazz" : "Y",
      "any" : "Y",
      "rythmAndBlues" : "Y",
      "rockNRoll" : "Y"
    "reading" : {
      "bestSellingFiction" : "Y",
      "childrens" : "Y",
      "fashion" : "Y",
      "military" : "Y",
      "entertainment" : "Y",
      "romance" : "Y",
      "sports" : "Y",
      "books" : "Y",
      "cookingOrCulinary" : "Y",
      "countryOrLifestyle" : "Y",
      "interior" : "Y",
      "medicalOrHealth" : "Y",
      "worldNews" : "Y"
    "sporting" : {
      "campingOrHiking" : "Y",
      "fishing" : "Y",
      "golf" : "Y",
      "nascar" : "Y",
      "boatingOrSailing" : "Y",
      "cycling" : "Y",
      "fitnessExcercise" : "Y",
      "bigGameHunting" : "Y",
      "huntingOrShooting" : "Y",
      "sportsMerchandiseOrActivewearRecency" : "7 - 12 months",
      "runningOrJogging" : "Y",
      "skiingOrSnowboarding" : "Y",
      "sportsParticipation" : "Y",
      "walkingForHealth" : "Y",
      "yogaOrPilates" : "Y"
    "travel" : {
      "timeshare" : "Y",
      "business" : "Y",
      "cruiseShipVacation" : "Y",
      "international" : "Y",
      "leisure" : "Y",
      "rvVacations" : "Y",
      "travelInTheUSA" : "Y",
      "traveler" : "Y"
    "purchase" : {
      "artsCraftsRecency" : "0 - 6 months",
      "beautyAndSpaRecency" : "7 - 12 months",
      "beveragesRecency" : "7 - 12 months",
      "booksRecency" : "7 - 12 months",
      "clubContinuity" : "Y",
      "gardenAndBackyardRecency" : "7 - 12 months",
      "homeDecorRecency" : "7 - 12 months",
      "sweepstakes" : "Y",
      "maleApparelRecency" : "0 - 6 months",
      "musicVideosRecency" : "7 - 12 months",
      "specialtyFoodsAndGiftsRecency" : "7 - 12 months",
      "sportsAndOutdoorRecency" : "7 - 12 months",
      "toolsAndElectronicsRecency" : "13 - 18 months",
      "femaleAndMaleRecency" : "13 - 18 months",
      "femaleBrandAndFitRecency" : "0 - 6 months"
    "donor" : {
      "activeMilitary" : "Y",
      "animalWelfare" : "Y",
      "artsOrCultural" : "Y",
      "childrens" : "Y",
      "charitable" : "Y",
      "humanitarian" : "Y",
      "veteran" : "Y",
      "wildlifeEnvironmental" : "Y",
      "worldRelief" : "Y"
    "mailOrder" : {
      "any" : "Y",
      "apparel" : "Y",
      "books" : "Y",
      "buyer" : "Y",
      "childrensProducts" : "Y",
      "food" : "Y",
      "gifts" : "Y",
      "healthOrBeautyProducts" : "Y",
      "homeFurnishing" : "Y",
      "jewelry" : "Y",
      "magazines" : "Y",
      "videosOrDVD" : "Y",
      "womensPlusApparel" : "Y"
    "other" : {
      "electronics" : "Y",
      "grandchildren" : "Y",
      "militaryVeteran" : "Y",
      "onlineHousehold" : "Y",
      "scienceAndNewTechnology" : "Y",
      "swimmingPool" : "Y"
    "social" : {
      "facebookUser" : "Y",
      "instagramUser" : "Y",
      "pinterestUser" : "Y",
      "twitterUser" : "Y"
  "emails" : [ {
    "label" : "Home",
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    "sha256" : "ba8851040bfc825ccdaab86cf204f8a9f5bb8f965ec6ce2055beef8f4ba34fa7",
    "sha1" : "aa50b1d123f280d5cd0dcf645a5200eff1e80296"
  }, {
    "label" : "Other",
    "md5" : "a451b868c1b92949ba006df83f9effd2",
    "sha256" : "633d337e296a1c75d491ee171f47c51c4252d404368c6faae04397c3cbd9f4de",
    "sha1" : "c1e055608f8a7e899072f5dd24fb5e19a96d631f"
  }, {
    "label" : "Work",
    "md5" : "03e3a30f3730b3462486e033200f5bdf",
    "sha256" : "36e49ca7847eadf8e2d45be237b4fdf4d0dd5ac7105d5f535a6df5a844e1da7e",
    "sha1" : "bca6bde709b71eb0a0badf04a038a56638204537"
  "phones" : [ ],
  "profiles" : {
    "twitter" : {
      "url" : "",
      "service" : "twitter"
    "linkedin" : {
      "url" : "",
      "bio" : "Connect with me on LinkedIn",
      "service" : "linkedin"
  "locations" : [ {
    "city" : "Denver",
    "region" : "Colorado",
    "regionCode" : "CO",
    "country" : "United States",
    "countryCode" : "US",
    "formatted" : "Denver, Colorado, United States"
  } ],
  "employment" : [ {
    "name" : "Self-employed",
    "current" : true,
    "title" : "Independent Consultant"
  } ],
  "photos" : [ {
    "label" : "Avatar",
    "value" : ""
  } ],
  "education" : [ {
    "name" : "CSU",
    "degree" : "PhD, Marketing and Communications",
    "end" : {
      "year" : 2001,
      "month" : 5,
      "day" : 25
  } ],
  "urls" : [ {
    "value" : ""
  } ],
  "triggers" : {
    "type" : {
      "collegeGraduate" : "N",
      "emptyNester" : "N",
      "homeMarketValue" : "D",
      "income" : "I",
      "newAdultToFile" : "Y",
      "newFirstChild0to2YearsOld" : "Y",
      "newPreDriver" : "N",
      "newYoungAdultToFile" : "Y",
      "nicheSwitch" : "Niche U",
      "valueScore" : "I"
    "date" : {
      "collegeGraduateChange" : "200911",
      "emptyNesterChange" : "201602",
      "firstChildChange" : "201411",
      "homeMarketValueChange" : "201404",
      "incomeChange" : "201404",
      "newAdultChange" : "201306",
      "newDriverChange" : "201502",
      "newYoungAdultToChange" : "200702",
      "nicheSwitch" : "201508",
      "valueScoreChange" : "200808"
  "marketTrends" : {
    "switchers" : {
      "job" : "Likely"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "artHouseMovie" : "Highly Likely",
      "baseball" : "Unlikely",
      "basketball" : "Likely",
      "brandLoyalists" : "Likely",
      "carryOut" : "Unlikely",
      "casualDining" : "Likely",
      "extremeFitness" : "Likely",
      "football" : "Unlikely",
      "gamingnonMobileDevices" : "Likely",
      "hockey" : "Likely",
      "latinMusic" : "Unlikely",
      "quickServiceRestaurant" : "Likely",
      "soccer" : "Likely"
    "attendees" : {
      "amusementPark" : "Unlikely",
      "liveMusicConcert" : "Highly Likely"
    "buyers" : {
      "christmasOrnamentsCollectibles" : "Unlikely",
      "heavyLowFatFood" : "Unlikely",
      "onlineHomeCleaningProduct" : "Unlikely",
      "onlinePetFood" : "Highly Likely"
    "customers" : {
      "amazonPrime" : "Highly Likely",
      "annuity" : "Highly Likely",
      "mensBigandTallApparel" : "Highly Likely",
      "plantoPurchaseSmartHomeProducts" : "Likely",
      "restaurantLoyaltyCard" : "Highly Likely",
      "socialMediaPreference" : "Likely",
      "subscriptionorAutoShipmentHouseholdProduct" : "Likely",
      "womensPlusSizeApparel" : "Likely"
    "consumers" : {
      "airlineUpgraders" : "Likely",
      "autoInsurance" : "Highly Likely",
      "cableBundlecableinternethomephone" : "Likely",
      "casinoGamer" : "Highly Likely",
      "coinsCollector" : "Likely",
      "conservativeInvestmentStyle" : "Highly Likely",
      "contactlessPayApplication" : "Likely",
      "cordCutters" : "Likely",
      "creditCardAttritionHouseholds" : "Highly Likely",
      "creditCardRevolvers" : "Unlikely",
      "dietConsciousHouseholds" : "Likely",
      "doitYourselfer" : "Unlikely",
      "futureInvestors" : "Likely",
      "homeRemodelers" : "Unlikely",
      "mealKitDelivery" : "Highly Likely",
      "pandemicLuxurySpenders" : "Likely",
      "pandemicRiskTolerant" : "Highly Likely",
      "personalTraveler" : "Likely",
      "retailTexters" : "Highly Likely",
      "retiredbutStillWorking" : "Likely",
      "satelliteBundlesatelliteinethomeorwireless" : "Highly Likely",
      "sociallyInfluenced" : "Unlikely",
      "upcomingRetirees65andOlder" : "Unlikely",
      "vehicleDIYrs" : "Likely",
      "weeklyOnlineBankers" : "Unlikely",
      "wellnessHouseholdsHealth" : "Likely",
      "wiredLineVideoConnectors" : "Likely"
    "donor" : {
      "animalWelfare" : "Likely",
      "environmental" : "Likely"
    "owners" : {
      "androidSmartPhone" : "Likely",
      "appleSmartPhone" : "Unlikely",
      "smartTV" : "Highly Likely"
    "travellers" : {
      "business" : "Unlikely"
    "readers" : {
      "avidBook" : "Unlikely",
      "book" : "Highly Likely",
      "entertainment" : "Likely"
    "voters" : {
      "likely" : "Highly Likely"
    "subscribers" : {
      "cableTVPremium" : "Likely",
      "financialHealthNewsletter" : "Unlikely",
      "satelliteRadio" : "Likely"
    "purchasers" : {
      "autoLoan" : "Likely",
      "frequentMobile" : "Likely",
      "frequentOnlineMusic" : "Highly Likely",
      "impulse" : "Unlikely",
      "newLuxuryVehicle" : "Unlikely",
      "newnonLuxuryVehicle" : "Highly Likely",
      "organicFood" : "Unlikely",
      "webSurferBrickMortar" : "Likely",
      "webandBrickMortarViewerOnline" : "Likely",
      "rv" : "Likely"
    "spenders" : {
      "pandemicDecreasedSpenders" : "Likely",
      "vacationSpenders" : "Likely"
    "shoppers" : {
      "bargainHotel" : "Highly Likely",
      "bargain" : "Likely",
      "multiRetailer" : "Likely",
      "whatsOnSale" : "Likely"
    "users" : {
      "app" : "Likely",
      "brandedRetailCreditCard" : "Highly Likely",
      "creditCardBalanceTransfer" : "Likely",
      "debitCardRewards" : "Highly Likely",
      "debitCard" : "Highly Likely",
      "heavyCoupon" : "Likely",
      "mobileBanking" : "Unlikely",
      "naturalProductPersonalCareProduct" : "Likely",
      "onlineSavings" : "Likely",
      "publicTransportation" : "Highly Likely",
      "restaurantApp" : "Likely",
      "restaurantLoyaltyApp" : "Unlikely",
      "rewardsCardOther" : "Likely"
Properties string The full name (first and last) of the individual.
gender string The gender of the individual. string The given name (first name) of the individual. string The family name (last name) of the individual.
details.age.range string An age range of the individual.
details.age.value integer The age in years of the individual.
details.gender string The gender of the individual.
Properties: details.household
familyInfo.Householdsize string This indicate the number of persons in the household.
familyInfo.Numberofadults string This indicates the number of adults in household.
familyInfo.Numberofchildren string The number of known children in the household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
familyInfo.lifeCycles.Babyboomers string This lifecycle segment contains names and addresses of all individuals born between 1946 and 1964.
familyInfo.lifeCycles.Dualincomenokids string This lifecycle segment includes households with a male and female adult present with higher than average discretionary income and no children present.
familyInfo.lifeCycles.Familyties integer This lifecycle segment is defined as husband and wife households with children present.
familyInfo.lifeCycles.Generationx string This lifecycle segment contains names and addresses of individuals born between 1965 and 1976.
familyInfo.lifeCycles.Millenia string This lifecycle segment contains households with adults born between 1981 and 2002.
familyInfo.lifeCycles.Millenialsbutfirstletmetakeaselfie string This lifecycle segment contains households with single (not Married) adults born between 1981 and 2002.
familyInfo.lifeCycles.Millenialsgettinhitched string This lifecycle segment contains households with adults born between 1981 and 2002 and married.
familyInfo.lifeCycles.Millenialsiamanadult string This lifecycle segment contains households with adults born between 1981 and 2002.
familyInfo.lifeCycles.Millenialsliveswithmom string This lifecycle segment contains households with single adults (not Married) born between 1981 and 2002, AND head of household born before 1981 AND (at least one) adult age gap to Millennial > 15 years.
familyInfo.lifeCycles.Millenialsmomlife string This lifecycle segment contains households with adults born between 1981 and 2002 with own children present.
familyInfo.lifeCycles.Millenialsputtingdownroots string This lifecycle segment contains households with adults born between 1981 and 1990.
homeInfo.Dwellingtype string This indicate the type of structure of the building in which the household resides.
homeInfo.Dwellingtypeindicator string Advantage dwelling type indicator.
homeInfo.Householdeducation string Median school years completed by adults age 18 or older.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
homeInfo.Maritalstatus string Married or single.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidence string This indicates the length of time a household has been identified at this address.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidenceindicator string length of residence indicator.
homeInfo.Affluents string This indicates the segments of the most affluent households based upon key financial characteristics and census characteristics.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidenceindicator string length of residence indicator.
homeInfo.Currentloantovalue string Current loan to value (implied decimal 00.00 to 99.99).
homeInfo.Homeheatsource string Indicates the primary heating system or method on a property.
homeInfo.Householdoccupation string This estimates the most prominent known profession of everybody in the household.
homeInfo.Familycomposition string This represents the makeup of the household, such as married couple with children, married couple with no children or single female with no children.
homeInfo.Homemarketvalue string This estimates the home market value for property expressed in thousands.
homeInfo.Ownertoowner string This model predicts a household's likelihood to move in the next 3-5 months.
homeInfo.Rentertiowner string This model for current renters. This model predicts a household's likelihood to move in the next 3-5 months.
homeInfo.Yearhomebuilt string This indicates construction year of the home.
locationInfo.Blockgroupnumber integer string This indicates a block group number, a single digit or blank, represents a cluster of blocks.
locationInfo.Corebasedstatisticalarea string This refers to both metropolitan statistical areas and newly-created micropolitan areas collectively.
locationInfo.Carrierroute string This represents the existence of carrier route.
locationInfo.Censustractsuffix string This is represented from Tract and Block Group files.
locationInfo.Countycode string This is a five-digit Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code (FIPS 6-4) which uniquely identifies counties and county equivalents in the United States, certain U.S. possessions, and certain freely associated states.
locationInfo.Dsfseasoncode string This represents the DSF season code.
locationInfo.Nielsencountysizecode string This indicate the county classification based upon household population density.
presence.Presenceofchildren string Child present in household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
presence.Presenceofchildrenindicator string presence of children indicator. string This indicates the presence (and gender) of adults age 18-24 in the household. string This indicates the presence (and gender) of adults age 25-34 in the household. string This indicates the presence (and gender) of adults age 35-44 in the household. string This indicates the presence (and gender) of adults age 45-54 in the household. string This indicates the presence (and gender) of adults age 55-64 in the household. string This indicates the presence (and gender) of adults age 65-74 in the household. string This indicates the presence (and gender) of adults age 75+ in the household.
Income string This estimates the self-reported incomes, property values and other proprietary sources.
Discretionaryspendingincome string Household income after taxes, shelter, food, clothes, transportation, utilities, and healthcare.
Firstmortgageamountinthousands string First mortgage amount in thousands.
Homemarketvaluetaxrecord string Home market value (actual value) provided via county/local tax and deed information.
Investmentresources string This is the estimate of financial and other investments.
Liquidresources integer This is the estimate of current cash savings.
Shorttermliability string This is estimate of the credit cards, other loan, auto loan, student loan.
Networth string This estimates the Net Worth model. Value equals household's asset minus liabilities..
Wealthresources string This estimate the value of savings and investments.
Properties: details.demographics
gender string The gender of the individual.
age.birthday string The date of birth of the individual.
Properties: details.surveys
purchase.Artscraftsrecency string Recency of purchase in the Arts & Crafts category.
purchase.Beautyandsparecency string Recency of purchase in the Beauty and Spa category.
purchase.Beveragesrecency string Recency of purchase in the Beverages category.
reading.Bestsellingfiction string Interest present in Household for best selling fiction books
reading.Books string Interest present in Household for reading books
reading.Childrens string Interest present in Household for childrens books
reading.Cookingorculinary string Interest present in Household for bible/devotional books
reading.Countryorlifestyle string Interest present in Household for country/lifestyle books
reading.Entertainment string Interest present in Household for entertainment books
reading.Fashion string Interest present in Household for fashion books
reading.Interior string Interest present in Household for interior books
reading.Medicalorhealth string Interest present in Household for medical or health books
reading.Military string Interest present in Household for military books
purchase.Booksrecency string Recency of purchase in the Books category.
reading.Romance string Interest present in Household for romance books
reading.Sports string Interest present in Household for sports books
reading.Worldnews string Interest present in Household for world news books
purchase.Clubcontinuity string Indicates a club/continuity purchase within the last 24 months.
collectibles.Any string Interest present in Household for any collectibles
collectibles.Artantique string Interest present in Household for art/antique collectibles
collectibles.Dolls string Interest present in Household for doll collectibles
collectibles.Figurines string Interest present in Household for figurine collectibles
donor.Activemilitary string Interest present in Household for donating for active military causes
donor.Animalwelfare string Interest present in Household for donating for animal welfare causes
donor.Artsorcultural string Interest present in Household for donating for arts or cultural causes
donor.Childrens string Interest present in Household for donating for childrens causes
donor.Charitable string Interest present in Household for donating for charitable causes
donor.Humanitarian string Interest present in Household for donating for humanitarian causes
donor.Veteran string Interest present in Household for donating for veteran causes
donor.Wildlifeenvironmental string Interest present in Household for donating for wildlife/environmental causes
donor.Worldrelief string Interest present in Household for donating for world relief causes
social.Facebookuser string Interest present in Household for using facebook
purchase.Gardenandbackyardrecency string Recency of purchase in the Garden and Backyard category.
hobby.Any string Interest present in Household for any hobby
hobby.Automotivework string Interest present in Household for automotive work as a hobby
hobby.Baking string Interest present in Household for baking as a hobby
hobby.Birdfeedingorwatching string Interest present in Household for bird feeding watching foods as a hobby
hobby.Careeradvancementcourses string Interest present in Household for career advancement courses as a hobby
hobby.Cigarsmoking string Interest present in Household for cigar smoking as a hobby
hobby.Cooking string Interest present in Household for cooking as a hobby
hobby.Crafts string Interest present in Household for craft as a hobby
hobby.Culturalartsorevents string Interest present in Household for cultural/arts events as a hobby
hobby.Gardening string Interest present in Household for gardening as a hobby
hobby.Gourmetfoods string Interest present in Household for gourmet foods as a hobby
hobby.Homeimprovementordiy string Interest present in Household for home improvement/diy as a hobby
hobby.Homestudycourses string Interest present in Household for home study courses as a hobby
hobby.Motorcycleriding string Interest present in Household for motorcycle riding as a hobby
hobby.Photography string Interest present in Household for photography as a hobby
hobby.Quilting string Interest present in Household for quilting as a hobby
hobby.Scrapbooking string Interest present in Household for scrapbooking as a hobby
hobby.Selfimprovementcourses string Interest present in Household for self improvement courses as a hobby
hobby.Sewingorneedleworkorknitting string Interest present in Household for sewing/needlework/knitting as a hobby
hobby.Wine string Interest present in Household for wine as a hobby
hobby.Woodworking string Interest present in Household for woodworking as a hobby
purchase.Homedecorrecency string Recency of purchase in the Home Decor category.
purchase.Sweepstakes string Indicates that at least one individual within the household has made a purchase via sweepstakes within the last 24 months.
social.Instagramuser string Interest present in Household for using instagram
investments.Juvenilelifeinsurance string This model indicates the customers who has interest present in Household for Juvenile life insurance
investments.Burialinsurance string Interest present in Household for burial insurance
investments.Insurance string Interest present in Household for insurance
investments.Investments string Interest present in Household for investments
investments.Lifeinsurance string Interest present in Household for life insurance
investments.Medicarecoverage string Interest present in Household for medicare coverage
investments.Mutualfunds string Interest present in Household for mutual funds
investments.Stocksorbonds string Interest present in Household for stocks or bonds
mailOrder.Any string Interest present in Household for any mail order
mailOrder.Apparel string Interest present in Household for apparel mail order
mailOrder.Books string Interest present in Household for books mail order
mailOrder.Buyer string Household buys through mail order.
mailOrder.Childrensproducts string Interest present in Household for children's products mail order
mailOrder.Food string Interest present in Household for food mail order
mailOrder.Gifts string Interest present in Household for gifts mail order
mailOrder.Healthorbeautyproducts string Interest present in Household for health beauty products mail order
mailOrder.Homefurnishing string Interest present in Household for home furnishing mail order
mailOrder.Jewelry string Interest present in Household for jewelry mail order
mailOrder.Magazines string Interest present in Household for magazines mail order
mailOrder.Videosordvd string Interest present in Household for videos dvd mail order
mailOrder.Womensplusapparel string Interest present in Household for womens plus apparel mail order
purchase.Maleapparelrecency string Recency of purchase in the Male Apparel category.
music.Any string Interest present in Household for any music
music.Classical string Interest present in Household for classical music
music.Country string Interest present in Household for country music
music.Jazz string Interest present in Household for jazz music
music.Rythmandblues string Interest present in Household for r&b music
music.Rocknroll string Interest present in Household for rock n roll music
purchase.Musicvideosrecency string Recency of purchase in the Music/Videos category.
dietConcerns.Naturalfoods string Interest present in Household for natural foods
dietConcerns.Diet string Interest present in Household for nutrition diet
dietConcerns.Weightcontrol string Interest present in Household for weight control
other.Electronics string Interest present in Household for electronics
other.Grandchildren string Interest present in Household for grandchildren
other.Militaryveteran string Interest present in Household for military veteran in household
other.Onlinehousehold string Interest present in Household for online household
own.Smartphone string Interest present in Household for owning a smartphone
other.Scienceandnewtechnology string Interest present in Household for science new/technology
other.Swimmingpool string Interest present in Household for swimming pool
own.Cat string Interest present in Household for owning a cat
own.Dog string Interest present in Household for owning a dog
own.Pets string Interest present in Household for pets
social.Pinterestuser string Interest present in Household for using pinterest
purchase.Specialtyfoodsandgiftsrecency string Recency of purchase in the Special Foods and Gifts category.
sporting.Boatingorsailing string Interest present in Household for boating/sailingsports
sporting.Campingorhiking string Interest present in Household for camping/hiking sports
sporting.Cycling string Interest present in Household for cycling sports
sporting.Fishing string Interest present in Household for fishing sports
sporting.Fitnessexcercise string Interest present in Household for fitness/exercise sports
sporting.Golf string Interest present in Household for golf sports
sporting.Biggamehunting string Interest present in Household for big game hunting sports
sporting.Huntingorshooting string Interest present in Household for hunting/shooting sports
sporting.Sportsmerchandiseoractivewearrecency string Recency of purchase in the Sports Merchandise and Activewear category.
sporting.Nascar string Interest present in Household for nascar sports
sporting.Runningorjogging string Interest present in Household for running/jogging sports
sporting.Skiingorsnowboarding string Interest present in Household for skiing/snowboarding sports
sporting.Sportsparticipation string Interest present in Household for sports participation
sporting.Walkingforhealth string Interest present in Household for walking for health sports
sporting.Yogaorpilates string Interest present in Household for yoga/pilates sports
purchase.Sportsandoutdoorrecency string Recency of purchase in the Sports and Outdoor Category.
purchase.Toolsandelectronicsrecency string Recency of purchase in the Tools & Electronics category.
travel.Business string Interest present in Household for business travel
travel.Cruiseshipvacation string Interest present in Household for cruise ship vacation
travel.International string Interest present in Household for international travel
travel.Leisure string Interest present in Household for leisure travel
travel.Rvvacations string Interest present in Household for RV vacations
travel.Timeshare string Interest present in Household for timeshare travel
travel.Travelintheusa string Interest present in Household for travel in the usa
travel.Traveler string Interest present in Household for travel
social.Twitteruser string Interest present in Household for using twitter
Additional Properties
emails object string Object representing additional known email addresses.
phones object string Object representing additional known phone numbers.
profiles.{platform}.url string URL to the profile on the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.bio string Bio of the profile from the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.service string Name of the social platform.
locations[n].city string The "city" portion of the location address .
locations[n].region string The region portion of the location address, typically a state or province.
locations[n].regionCode string An abbreviated or code-based representation of the region.
locations[n].country string The country portion of the location address.
locations[n].formatted string The formatted address. string The name of the organization/place of employment.
employment.current string Indicator of whether or not this is the current place of employment.
employment.title string Job or position title.
photos[n].label string The type of photo.
photos[n].value string The URL to the photo.
education[n].name string The name of the school/university attended.
education[n].degree string The degree or focus of study.
education[n].end.year object string Object representing the last year, month and day attended.
urls[n].value string The URL of the website.
Properties: details.triggers
type.collegegraduate string Indicates that an individual within the household has graduated from college.
type.emptynester string Indicates that children are no longer present within the household.
type.income string Indicates the household income has had an increase or decrease..
type.newadulttofile string Indicates a new individual age 25+ to files within the household..
type.nicheswitch string Niche value after trigger (current Niche).
type.valuescore string Indicates the ValueScore for the household has had an increase or decrease.
date.incomechange string This is the estimated Income change date.
date.newadultchange string This is the estimated adult change date.
date.nicheswitch string This is the estimated niche switch date.
date.valuescorechange string The date this event triggered.
Properties: details.marketTrends
switchers.job string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
enthusiasts.arthousemovie string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to attend art house movie venues. string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to plan to watch baseball for entertainment. string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to plan to watch basketball for entertainment.
enthusiasts.brandloyalists string This includes specific brand preferences (Chobani vs. yogurt) and focus on brand vs. price.
enthusiasts.carryout string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to go to carryout restaurants 3X a week or more.
enthusiasts.casualdining string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to go to casual dining restaurants 3x a week or more.
enthusiasts.Football string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to plan to watch football for entertainment.
enthusiasts.Gamingnonmobiledevices string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be gaming enthusiasts on non-Mobile devices.
enthusiasts.Hockey string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be interested in watching hockey for entertainment.
enthusiasts.Latinmusic string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be prefer listening to Latin music relative to other types of music.
enthusiasts.Quickservicerestaurant string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood togo to quick service restaurants 3X a week or more.
enthusiasts.Soccer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be interested in watching soccer on tv.
attendees.amusementpark string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood attend amusement parks.
attendees.livemusicconcert string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to attend concerts.
buyers.heavylowfatfood string Greater likelihood to purchase low fat foods.
buyers.onlinehomecleaningproduct string Increased likelihood to purchase or interested in purchasing home cleaning products online.
buyers.onlinepetfood string Increased likelihood to purchase or interested in purchasing pet food online.
customers.amazonprimecustomers string Amazon Prime members who have shopped on Amazon 4+ times in the last 12 months.
customers.annuitycustomers string Annuity Customers model which ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to buy annuities.
customers.Mensbigandtallapparelcustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood be Men's Big and Tall households
customers.Plantopurchasesmarthomeproductscustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be plan to purchase smart home products.
customers.Restaurantloyaltycardcustomers string This model ranks consumers who use 3+ restaurant loyalty cards regularly
customers.Socialmediapreferencecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to review media via social networks.
customers.Subscrorautoshipmenthouseholdproductcustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be subscribers.
customers.Womensplussizeapparelcustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood be women's plus size households
consumers.Airlineupgraders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be willing to pay slightly more for an airline coach seat with more legroom (i.e. Delta Comfort or American Main Cabin Extra)at check-in.
consumers.Autoinsurance string This model ranks consumer who opted for auto insurance
consumers.Cablebundlecableinternethomephone string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase cable, internet and home phone from the same provider.
consumers.Casinogamer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood the household is a casino gamer.
consumers.Coinscollector string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to collect coins.
consumers.Conservativeinvestmentstyleconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to invest conservatively.
consumers.Contactlesspayapplicationconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood touse contactless payment methods.
consumers.Cordcutters string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood not to have cable or paid TV subscriptions.
consumers.Creditcardattritionhouseholds string This modelranks consumers based upon their likelihood to pay off credit cards or carry zero balance on cards.
consumers.Creditcardrevolvers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to revolve credit balances.
consumers.Dietconscioushouseholds string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to diet for health, eat low sugar, low fat or low calorie food diets, and have an interest in weight loss.
consumers.Doityourselfer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to complete their own moderate to large home improvements.
consumers.Futureinvestors string This model ranks consumers based on their likelihood to be future investors (individuals planning to invest for the first time).
consumers.Homeremodelers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to do homer emodeling projects.
consumers.Mealkitdeliveryconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have meal kits delivered.
consumers.Pandemicluxuryspenders string This model. ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be luxury spenders during the pandemic.
consumers.Pandemicrisktolerantconsumers string This model which ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be risk tolerant during the pandemic.
consumers.Personaltraveler string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to engage in personal travel at least 11 days per year .
consumers.Retailtexters string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to open text messages from retailers.
consumers.Retiredbutstillworking string This model ranks consumers based upon the likelihood to still be employed post-retirement.
consumers.Satellitebundlesatelliteinethomeorwireless string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase satellite and internet and at least one of home or wireless phone services from the same provider
consumers.Sociallyinfluencedconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be influenced to purchase via social media activity.
consumers.Upcomingretirees65Andolder string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to retire at age 65 and older in the next 12 months.
consumers.Vehiclediyrs string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to always do their own vehicle maintenance/repairs.
consumers.Weeklyonlinebankers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to bank online at least weekly.
consumers.Wellnesshouseholdshealth string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to exercise on a regular basis, go to a doctor regularly, eat organic/healthy food diets and have an interest in natural foods.
consumers.Wiredlinevideoconnectors string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to plan to own aWired Line Video Connector.
donor.Animalwelfaredonors string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to donate to animal welfare causes.
donor.Cancerdonors string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to support Cancer cause.
donor.Environmentaldonors string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to supportEnvironmental cause.
owners.Androidsmartphoneowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to ownAndroid smart phones.
owners.Applesmartphoneowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to own Apple smart phones.
owners.Smarttvowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to own a SmartTV.
travellers.Businesstraveler string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to travel for business at least 11 days per year.
readers.Avidbookreaders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to read 3+ books/month.
readers.Bookreaders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to read books.
readers.Entertainmentreaders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to read entertainment.
voters.Likelyvoters string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to vote in the next election.
subscribers.Cabletvpremiumsubscribers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have premium channel service (eg: NFL, HBO, Showtime).
subscribers.Financialhealthnewslettersubscribers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to subscribe to newsletters.
subscribers.Satelliteradiosubscribers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to subscribe.
purchasers.Autoloanpurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to require an auto loan in the next 12 months.
purchasers.Frequentmobilepurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to make purchases via their mobile phone.
purchasers.Frequentonlinemusicpurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase music online.
purchasers.Impulsepurchasers string This model ranks consumers who has Increased likelihood shoppers will purchase off list items during in-store shopping.
purchasers.Newluxuryvehiclepurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have purchased a new luxury vehicle.
purchasers.Organicfoodpurchasers string This model ranks consumers who seek food made from organic raw materials and organic certification.
purchasers.Websurferbrickmortarpurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to first surf the web then make purchases in stores.
purchasers.Webandbrickmortarvieweronlinepurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to first surf the web and look at products in stores and then make purchases in online.
purchasers.Rvpurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to take RV trips.
spenders.Pandemicdecreasedspenders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have decreased spending during the pandemic.
spenders.Vacationspenders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to spend$4000+ annually on personal vacations.
shoppers.Bargainhotelshoppers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to belong to shop for hotels based upon price concessions.
shoppers.Bargainshoppers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to shop on sale or use coupons.
shoppers.Multiretailershoppers string This model ranks consumer who has Increased likelihood of going to multiple retailers to execute their shopping list and fulfil shopping trip needs.
shoppers.Whatsonsaleshoppers string This model ranks consumers who has greater likelihood shoppers plan what to buy based on what is on sale and will not purchase products unlesson-sale.
users.Appusers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use apps.
users.Brandmotivatedlaundryusers string This model ranks consumer who bought laundry product purchase driven by brand and brand loyalty.
users.Creditcardbalancetransferusers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use a credit card to pay balances due on another credit card.
users.Debitcardrewardsusers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to choose checking account if it earned Debit CardRewards.
users.Debitcarduser string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use a debit card.
users.Heavycouponusers string This model ranks consumer who has increased likelihood to be active coupon clippers and redeemers.
users.Mobilebankingusers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use GoogleWallet/Apple Pay or Venmo/Abra mobile payment services.
users.Naturalproductpersonalcareproductusers string This model ranks consumers who has interested in products that have ingredients that are derived from renewable resources like plants and minerals.
users.Onlinesavings string This model ranks consumers who saves online
users.Publictransportationusers string This model ranks consumers who opt for public transportation
users.Restaurantappusers string This model ranks consumer who regularly use 2+ apps for restaurants
users.Restaurantloyaltyappusers string This model ranks consumer who use restaurant apps that have a connection to a loyalty or rewards program
users.Rewardscardotheruser string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use this type of credit card.

Demographic Insights

The Demographic Insights Bundle contains a range of information for a profile, including age,gender, name,location and income estimate details. This insights bundles returns the name,age,gender, household,finance,census,profiles,locations,employment,photos,education, and demographics , and keys in the details object represents a Person Summary.

  "name" : {
    "given" : "Angus",
    "family" : "De Vaca",
    "full" : "Angus De Vaca"
  "age" : {
    "range" : "40-49",
    "value" : 40
  "gender" : "Male",
  "household" : {
    "homeInfo" : {
      "maritalStatus" : "At least 1 single",
      "householdOccupation" : "Lawyers-Judges"
    "presence" : {
      "presenceOfChildren" : "Y"
    "finance" : {
      "income" : "$30,000 - $39,999",
      "discretionarySpendingIncome" : "$65,000 - $74,999",
      "firstMortgageAmountInThousands" : "5147",
      "homeMarketValueTaxRecord" : "453",
      "shortTermLiability" : "$50,000 or more",
      "netWorth" : "$150,000 - $249,999",
      "wealthResources" : "$250,000 - $499,999",
      "paymentMethodCreditCard" : "Y"
  "demographics" : {
    "gender" : "Male",
    "age" : {
      "range" : "40-49",
      "value" : 40
    "homeInfo" : {
      "homeOwner" : "Definite Renter"
  "emails" : [ ],
  "phones" : [ ],
  "profiles" : {
    "twitter" : {
      "url" : "",
      "service" : "twitter"
    "linkedin" : {
      "url" : "",
      "bio" : "Connect with me on LinkedIn",
      "service" : "linkedin"
  "locations" : [ {
    "city" : "Denver",
    "region" : "Colorado",
    "regionCode" : "CO",
    "country" : "United States",
    "countryCode" : "US",
    "formatted" : "Denver, Colorado, United States"
  } ],
  "employment" : [ {
    "name" : "Self-employed",
    "current" : true,
    "title" : "Independent Consultant"
  } ],
  "photos" : [ {
    "label" : "Avatar",
    "value" : ""
  } ],
  "education" : [ {
    "name" : "CSU",
    "degree" : "PhD, Marketing and Communications",
    "end" : {
      "year" : 2001,
      "month" : 5,
      "day" : 25
  } ],
  "urls" : [ {
    "value" : ""
  } ],
  "marketTrends" : {
    "users" : {
      "brandedRetailCreditCard" : "Highly Likely"
Properties string The full name (first and last) of the individual.
gender string The gender of the individual. string The given name (first name) of the individual. string The family name (last name) of the individual.
details.age.range string An age range of the individual.
details.age.value integer The age in years of the individual.
details.gender string The gender of the individual.
Properties: details.household
maritalinfo.Maritalstatus string This estimates the Marital status of individual.
homeInfo.Householdoccupation string This estimates the most prominent known profession of everybody in the household.
presence.Presenceofchildren string This estimates the Child present in household.
Income string This estimates the self-reported incomes, property values and other proprietary sources.
Discretionaryspendingincome string Household income after taxes, shelter, food, clothes, transportation, utilities, and healthcare.
Firstmortgageamountinthousands string First mortgage amount in thousands.
Homemarketvaluetaxrecord string Home market value (actual value) provided via county/local tax and deed information.
Investmentresources string This is the estimate of financial and other investments.
Liquidresources integer This is the estimate of current cash savings.
Shorttermliability string This is estimate of the credit cards, other loan, auto loan, student loan.
Networth string This estimates the Net Worth model. Value equals household's asset minus liabilities..
Wealthresources string This estimate the value of savings and investments.
Paymentmethodcreditcard string This indicates that an individual in the household has made a purchase using a credit card.
Properties: details.demographics
gender string The gender of the individual..
age.range string An age range of the individual.
age.value string The age in years of the individual.
homeInfo.Homeowner string Classification of household head as an owner/renter.
Additional Properties
emails object string Object representing additional known email addresses.
phones object string Object representing additional known phone numbers.
profiles.{platform}.url string URL to the profile on the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.bio string Bio of the profile from the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.service string Name of the social platform.
locations[n].city string The "city" portion of the location address .
locations[n].region string The region portion of the location address, typically a state or province.
locations[n].regionCode string An abbreviated or code-based representation of the region.
locations[n].country string The country portion of the location address.
locations[n].formatted string The formatted address. string The name of the organization/place of employment.
employment.current string Indicator of whether or not this is the current place of employment.
employment.title string Job or position title.
photos[n].label string The type of photo.
photos[n].value string The URL to the photo.
education[n].name string The name of the school/university attended.
education[n].degree string The degree or focus of study.
education[n].end.year object string Object representing the last year, month and day attended.
urls[n].value string The URL of the website.
Properties: details.marketTrends
users.Brandedretailcreditcardusers string This model ranks the consumers based upon their likelihood to open cards specific to individual retailers or open cards to accrue points for use at retailer..

Core Segmentation

The Core Segmentation Bundle provides you with core demographic data about your customers and prospects. These 16+ most used data elements allow you to segment your customers and prospects to quickly create actionable audiences for targeting, personalization and insights.

    "fullName": "Bob Jones Smite",
    "ageRange": "40-49",
    "gender": "Male",
    "location": null,
    "title": null,
    "organization": null,
    "twitter": null,
    "linkedin": null,
    "bio": null,
    "avatar": null,
    "website": null,
    "details": {
        "name": {
            "given": "Bob",
            "family": "Smith",
            "middle": "Jones",
            "full": "Bob Jones Smite"
        "age": {
            "birthday": {
                "year": 1982,
                "month": 7,
                "day": 24
            "range": "40-49",
            "value": 42
        "gender": "Male",
        "household": {
            "familyInfo": {
                "numberOfChildren": "Less Than 3"
            "homeInfo": {
                "dwellingType": "S",
                "ownerOrRenter": "H"
            "locationInfo": {
                "coreBasedStatisticalArea": "19740"
            "presence": {
                "childUnder6": "Y",
                "presenceOfChildren": "Y"
            "finance": {
                "householdIncomeEstimate": "$200,000-$249,999",
                "netWorthRange": "$500,000-$749,999"
        "demographics": {
            "gender": "Male",
            "age": {
                "birthday": {
                    "year": 1970,
                    "month": 7,
                    "day": 24
                "range": "40-49",
                "value": 42
            "maritalStatus": "M",
            "language": "English"
        "emails": [],
        "phones": [],
        "profiles": {},
        "locations": [
                "city": "Lakeville",
                "regionCode": "MN",
                "postalCode": "55120"
        "employment": [],
        "photos": [],
        "education": [],
        "urls": [],
        "interests": []
    "updated": "2024-08-26"
Properties: details.locations
City string The "city" portion of the location address.
State string The region portion of the location address, typically a state or province.
ZIP Code string An abbreviated or code-based representation of the region.
Properties: details.details
Name string

Full name.

Age string

Estimated age range.

Gender string

Gender of the individual.

Marital Status string

M = Married
S = Single

Language string

Primary language spoken.

CBSA string

Core Base Statistical Area (Census Data)

Dwelling Type string

S = Single-family home
M = multi-family home

Home Ownership string

H = Home Owner
R = Renter
O = Probable Home Owner
P = Probable Renter
U = Unknown

Income string

Estimated annual household income.

Net Worth string

Estimated household net worth.

Presense of Children string

Yes/No flag for children in the household.

Number of Children string

Estimated number of children in the household.

Email Hash Activity

The Email Hash Activity Insights Add-On will return additional insights for the hashed versions of known email addresses associated with the profile including first seen and last seen timestamps along with an associated activity score of HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW. The returned hashed email addresses and associated insights can then be used as identity verification and fraud signals or for enhanced marketing activation efforts. The max number of hashed email addresses that can be returned are 20.

This Insights will be returned within the emails key in the details object of a Person Summary object.

"details": {
"emails": [
"label": "Other",
"md5": "bbbe3f5df1bf8d823058ba60addfa7f5",
"sha256": "12ca252e3570e9f88468e8b30b247d1c5cb38827f3d5cacf4b35cd6130edf899",
"sha1": "a3fd93ec1eed8cb245c99701f9107686ca9b40f9"
"firstSeen": "2009-01-01",
"lastSeen": "2021-12-27",
"activity": "HIGH"
label string An indicator of the source or type of email. If provided in the Person request, the value will be provided, otherwise, hash.
md5 string The MD5 hash representation for a given email address.
sha1 string The SHA-1 hash representation for a given email address.
sha256 string The SHA-256 hash representation for a given email address.
firstSeen string The timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD) of the first time FullContact has seen a given email address.
lastSeen string The timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD) of the last time FullContact has seen a given email address.
activityScore string An associated activity score (HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW) for a given email address based on events such as number or observances, number of sources, etc.

Email Hashes

The Hashed Email Insights Bundle will return hashed versions of known email addresses associated with the profile. The returned hashed email addresses, available in both MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 variations, can then be used to help link our profiles with your data. The max number of hashed email addresses that can be returned are 20. The hashes represent normalized versions of the plain-text email, both all-lowercase and all-uppercase types of normalization.

Each email, we can designate it as work, consumer, education, government, or other.
This Insights Bundle will be returned within the emails key in the details object of a Person Summary object.

Should you wish to specify the hashed email variation that is returned you can use FullContact's Hashed Email Type Filter to specify MD5, SHA1 or SHA256.

"details": {
"emails": [
"label": "consumer",
"md5": "bbbe3f5df1bf8d823058ba60addfa7f5",
"sha256": "12ca252e3570e9f88468e8b30b247d1c5cb38827f3d5cacf4b35cd6130edf899",
"sha1": "a3fd93ec1eed8cb245c99701f9107686ca9b40f9"
"label": "consumer",
"md5": "bff762e6541d05b68d80004d5e318577",
"sha256": "f7c44dcfc5fac647dfb7cac08adf412ba59f8a85e178fe8dc8f0aa58bd6aa3d0",
"sha1": "f7c9e9d78084c792db4962e1fb55076b0b10788d"
"label": "work",
"md5": "6d92c3c3b7e8fe1a1c4991c3242fff21",
"sha256": "57c469b370eef607ebe0af462300ade7413a46d4893071f477d92888c416387e",
"sha1": "a42b4d848c94fd5675ffc7c7f6f6909374e5872b"
label string An indicator of the source or type of email. If provided in the Person request, the value will be provided, otherwise, hash.
md5 string The MD5 hash representation for a given email address.
sha1 string The SHA-1 hash representation for a given email address.
sha256 string The SHA-256 hash representation for a given email address.

Email Signals

The Email Signals Bundle returns event data on how an email address has engaged with email marketing campaigns. Output is associated to the single email input provided.

"emailSignals": {
        "firstOpen": {
            "timestamp": "2024-12-28T00:00:00Z"
        "lastOpen": {
            "timestamp": "2024-12-28T00:00:00Z"
        "firstClick": {
            "timestamp": "2024-12-28T00:00:00Z"
        "lastClick": {
            "timestamp": "2024-12-28T00:00:00Z"
        "lastReply": {
            "timestamp": "2024-12-28T00:00:00Z"
        "unsubscribe": {
            "timestamp": "2024-12-28T00:00:00Z"
        "lastBounce": {
            "type": "soft",
            "timestamp": "2025-01-07T06:40:11Z"
        "softBounce30days": {
            "total": 0
firstOpen Object An object with the timestamp of the first recognized open email event associated to email input
lastOpen Object An object with the timestamp of the last recognized open email event associated to email input
firstClick Object An object with the timestamp of the first recognized click email event associated to email input
lastClick Object An object with the timestamp of the last recognized click email event associated to email input
lastReply Object An object with the timestamp of the last recognized reply email event associated to email input
unsubscribe Object An object with the timestamp of when the associated email unsubscribed from a marketing campaign.
lastBounce Object An object with the timestamp of the last recognized bounce email event associated to email input in addition to what time of bounce hard vs soft
softBounce30days Object An object with the total number of times the associated email has had a soft bounce in the last 30 days

Employment History

The Employment History Insights Bundle returns current and historical employment history for a given contact.
This data includes the organization and title during employment and approximate start and end dates.
This Insights Bundle will be returned within the employment key in the details object of a
Person Summary object.

{"employment": [
    "name": "ACME, Inc",
    "domain": "",
    "current": false,
    "title": "Widget Maker",
    "start": {
      "year": 2010,
      "month": 6,
      "day": 1
    "end": {
      "year": 2015,
      "month": 10,
      "day": 15
name stringThe name of the organization/place of employment.
domain stringThe website domain of the place of employment.
current booleanIndicator of whether or not this is the current place of employment.
title stringJob or position title.
start object Object representing start date, with properties for year, month and day returned as integers.
end object Object representing end date, with properties for year, month and day returned as integers.


The Individual Insights Bundle contains a range of information for a profile, including age,gender and name details, along with any known locations for the profile. This Insights Bundle will be returned in the name, age, gender, locations and education keys in the details object represents a Person Summary.

    "details": {
        "name": {
            "given": "Angus",
            "family": "de Vaca",
            "full": "Angus de Vaca"
        "age": {
            "range": "25-34",
            "value": 27
        "gender": "Male",
        "demographics": {
            "gender": "Male",
            "age": {
                "range": "35-44",
                "value": 40
        "emails": [],
        "phones": [],
        "profiles": {
            "twitter": {
                "url": "",
                "service": "twitter"
            "linkedin": {
                "url": "",
                "bio": "Connect with me on LinkedIn",
                "service": "linkedin"
        "locations": [
                "city": "Denver",
                "region": "Colorado",
                "regionCode": "CO",
                "country": "United States",
                "formatted": "Denver, Colorado, United States"
        "employment": [
                "name": "Self-employed",
                "current": true,
                "title": "Independent Consultant"
        "photos": [
                "label": "Avatar",
                "value": ""
        "education": [
                "name": "CSU",
                "degree": "PhD, Marketing and Communications",
                "end": {
                    "year": 2001,
                    "month": 5,
                    "day": 25
        "urls": [
                "value": ""
name.give string The given name (first name) of the individual. string The family name (last name) of the individual. string The full name (first and last) of the individual.
age.range string An age range of the individual.
age.value string The age in years of the individual.
age.birthday string The date of birth of the individual.
gender string The gender of the individual.
demographics.age.range string An age range of the individual.
demographics.age.value string The age in years of the individual.
emails object string This will be an empty object unless Email Hashes or the Professional bundle is enabled.
phones object string This will be an empty object unless the Professional bundle is enabled.
profiles.{platform}.url string URL to the profile on the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.bio string Bio of the profile from the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.service string Name of the social platform.
locations[n].city string The "city" portion of the location address .
locations[n].region string The region portion of the location address, typically a state or province.
locations[n].regionCode string An abbreviated or code-based representation of the region.
locations[n].country string The country portion of the location address.
locations[n].formatted string The formatted address. string The name of the organization/place of employment.
employment.current string Indicator of whether or not this is the current place of employment.
employment.title string Job or position title.
photos[n].label string The type of photo.
photos[n].value string The URL to the photo.
education[n].name string The name of the school/university attended.
education[n].degree string The degree or focus of study.
education[n].end.year object string Object representing the last year, month and day attended.
urls[n].value string The URL of the website.

Mobile Advertising IDs (MAIDs)

The Mobile Advertising IDs (MAIDs) Insights Bundle allows you to connect your customers’ online/mobile contact elements and combines them with offline identity information. In the response, you can receive up to the 5 most recent MAIDs. This Insights Bundle will be returned in the identifiers key in the details object of the Person Summary object.

Should you wish to increase or decrease the number of MAIDs you receive back on an individual you can leverage FullContact's Maximum Number of MAIDs request parameter and add it to any/all of your API requests.

"identifiers": {
    "maids": [{
        "id": "ape2ch30-pifn-cbvi-30yy-nia-zex7aw5u",
        "type": "aaid"
Properties: details.identifiers.maids
id string The mobile advertising id of the individual.
type string The MAID type (e.g. IDFA or AAID).


The Professional Insights Bundle returns current professional contact details. This data will include the company address for the current place of employment, professional email address, business phone and additional industry details associated to the profile. This Insights Bundle will be returned in the employment, emails and phones keys in the details object of a Person Summary object.

"emails": [
    "label": "work",
    "value": "[email protected]"
"phones": [
    "label": "work",
    "value": "+16783335367"
"employment": [
    "name": "Zero Confusion, LLC",
    "domain": "",
    "current": true,
    "title": "Chief Executive Officer",
    "start": {
      "year": 2010,
      "month": 6,
      "day": 1
    "locations": [
        "city": "Denver",
        "region": "Colorado",
        "regionCode": "CO",
        "formatted": "Denver, Colorado, United States"
label string The classification of the email.
value string The professional email address of an individual.
details.phones[n].label string The classification of the phone.
details.phones[n].value stringA phone number associated with the individual's company.
Properties: details.employment
name stringThe name of the organization/place of current employment.
domain stringThe website domain of the current place of employment.
current booleanIndicator of whether or not this is the current place of employment.
title stringJob or position title.
start object Object representing start date, with properties for year, month and day returned as integers.
end object Object representing end date, with properties for year, month and day returned as integers.
locations[n].city stringThe "city" portion of the location address.
locations[n].region stringThe region portion of the location address, typically a state or province.
locations[n].regionCode stringAn abbreviated or code-based representation of the region.
locations[n].country stringThe country portion of the location address.
locations[n].formatted stringThe formatted address.


The Resolve Insights Bundle takes customer contact fragments and allows for the ability to connect the disparate data for each consumer and provide back a persistent, unique person ID. This Insights Bundle will be returned within the identifiers key in the details object of a Person Summary object. If you want to learn more on how Resolve can help your business please contact our Sales team or learn more by checking out Resolve Overview

  "identifiers": {  
    "personIds": [


The Social Insights Bundle enables API consumers to retrieve a list of all known social profiles of a given contact, returning data for each social platform such as any applicable usernames/handles, the URL of the platform, any bio that the user supplied, and more. Additionally, any profile pictures and URLs to other websites associated with the contact will be returned. This Insights Bundle will be returned within the profiles, photos, and urls keys in the details object of a Person Summary object.

"profiles": {
  "twitter": {
    "username": "bartlorang",
    "userid": "5998422",
    "url": "",
    "bio": "CEO & Co-Founder of @FullContact, Managing Director @v1vc_. Tech Entrepreneur, Investor. Husband to @parkerbenson and Father to Greyson Lorang",
    "service": "twitter",
    "followers": 5454,
    "following": 741
"photos": [
    "label": "avatar",
    "value": ""
"urls": [
    "label": "blog",
    "value": ""
profiles.{platform}.username stringDisplayable username of the profile.
profiles.{platform}.userid stringUser ID associated with the profile.
profiles.{platform}.url stringURL to the profile on the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.bio stringBio of the profile form the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.service stringName of the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.followers integerNumber of follows of the profile, if applicable.
profiles.{platform}.following integerNumber of profiles or topics the user is following, if applicable.
photos[n].label stringThe type of photo.
photos[n].value stringThe URL to the photo.
urls[n].label stringThe type of URL/website.
urls[n].value stringThe URL of the website.

Vertical Bundles


The Automotive Insights Bundle contains the most core information related to the vehicles/owners and the networth of your customers and prospects. This is especially useful for segmentation projects and the keys in the details object represents a Person Summary.

  "name" : null,
  "age" : {
    "value" : 40
  "gender" : null,
  "household" : {
    "familyInfo" : {
      "numberOfChildren" : "2"
    "homeInfo" : {
      "dwellingType" : "Business",
      "dwellingTypeIndicator" : "S",
      "householdEducation" : "College",
      "householdEducationIndicator" : "S",
      "lengthOfResidence" : "20+ yrs",
      "lengthOfResidenceIndicator" : "S",
      "familyComposition" : "9"
    "presence" : {
      "presenceOfChildren" : "Y",
      "presenceOfChildrenIndicator" : "H"
    "finance" : {
      "income" : "$30,000 - $39,999",
      "incomeIndicator" : "H ",
      "netWorth" : "$150,000 - $249,999"
  "demographics" : {
    "age" : {
      "value" : 40
    "homeInfo" : {
      "homeOwner" : "Definite Renter",
      "homeOwnerIndicator" : "S"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "niches" : "Chic Society"
    "maritalInfo" : {
      "maritalStatus" : "Married",
      "maritalStatusIndicator" : "S"
  "surveys" : {
    "hobby" : {
      "automotiveWork" : "Y"
  "emails" : [ ],
  "phones" : [ ],
  "profiles" : { },
  "locations" : [ ],
  "employment" : [ ],
  "photos" : [ ],
  "education" : [ ],
  "urls" : [ ],
  "marketTrends" : {
    "buyers" : {
      "autoInsuranceSelfServeOnline" : "Highly Likely"
    "customers" : {
      "autoInsurancePremiumDiscountviaTelematicsCustomer" : "Likely"
    "consumers" : {
      "autoInsurance" : "Highly Likely",
      "autoInsuranceAgentSold" : "Likely",
      "autoInsuranceCallCenterSold" : "Likely",
      "longRoadTripTakers" : "Likely",
      "rentersandAutoInsuranceJointPolicyHolders" : "Likely",
      "vehicleDIYrs" : "Likely"
    "travellers" : {
      "rvtripTakers" : "Unlikely"
    "purchasers" : {
      "autoLoan" : "Likely",
      "newLuxuryVehicle" : "Unlikely",
      "newnonLuxuryVehicle" : "Highly Likely",
      "vehicle" : "Highly Likely",
      "rv" : "Likely"
    "users" : {
      "publicTransportation" : "Highly Likely",
      "uberOrLyft" : "Unlikely",
      "vehicleServiceCenter" : "Likely"
Properties string The full name (first and last) of the individual.
details.age.value integer The age in years of the individual.
details.gender string The gender of the individual.
Properties: details.household
familyInfo.Numberofchildren string The number of known children in the household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
homeInfo.Dwellingtype string This indicate the type of structure of the building in which the household resides.
homeInfo.Dwellingtypeindicator string Advantage dwelling type indicator.
homeInfo.Householdeducation string Median school years completed by adults age 18 or older.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidence string This indicates the length of time a household has been identified at this address.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidenceindicator string length of residence indicator.
homeInfo.Familycomposition string This represents the makeup of the household, such as married couple with children, married couple with no children or single female with no children.
presence.Presenceofchildren string Child present in household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
presence.Presenceofchildrenindicator string presence of children indicator.
Properties: details.survey
hobby.Automotivework string Interest present in Household for automotive work as a hobby.
Incomeindicator string This reflects whether data is sourced via self-reported income or inferred.
Incomeindex string Reflects an index comparing a household's income to the average income for the county in which the household resides..
Networth string This estimates the Net Worth model. Value equals household's asset minus liabilities.
Properties: details.demographics
age.value string The age in years of the individual.
homeInfo.Homeowner string Classification of household head as an owner/renter.
enthusiasts.niches string A specialised segment of the consumers.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatus string Marital status of individual.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatusindicator string individual marital status indicator.
Additional Properties
emails object string Object representing additional known email addresses.
phones object string Object representing additional known phone numbers.
profiles.{platform}.url string URL to the profile on the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.bio string Bio of the profile from the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.service string Name of the social platform.
locations[n].city string The "city" portion of the location address .
locations[n].region string The region portion of the location address, typically a state or province.
locations[n].regionCode string An abbreviated or code-based representation of the region.
locations[n].country string The country portion of the location address.
locations[n].formatted string The formatted address. string The name of the organization/place of employment.
employment.current string Indicator of whether or not this is the current place of employment.
employment.title string Job or position title.
photos[n].label string The type of photo.
photos[n].value string The URL to the photo.
education[n].name string The name of the school/university attended.
education[n].degree string The degree or focus of study.
education[n].end.year object string Object representing the last year, month and day attended.
urls[n].value string The URL of the website.
Properties: details.marketTrends
Buyers.Autoinsuranceselfserveonlinebuyers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase auto insurance online without the help of an agent.
customers.Autoinsurancepremiumdiscountviatelematicscustomer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase telematics for their vehicle to get auto insurance discounts.
consumers.Autoinsurance string This model predicts whether an individual has auto insurance
consumers.Autoinsuranceagentsold string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have purchased auto insurance through an agent.
consumers.Autoinsurancecallcentersold string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have purchased auto insurance through a call center.
consumers.Longroadtriptakers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to take long road trips.
consumers.Rentersandautoinsurancejointpolicyholders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have renter and auto insurance with same carrier.
consumers.Vehiclediyrs string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to always do their own vehicle maintenance/repairs.
travellers.Rvtriptakers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to take RV trips.
purchasers.Autoloanpurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to require an auto loan in the next 12 months.
purchasers.Newluxuryvehiclepurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have purchased a new luxury vehicle.
purchasers.Newnonluxuryvehiclepurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have purchased a new non-luxury vehicle.
purchasers.Vehiclepurchaser string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase/lease a vehicle in next 12 months.
purchasers.Rvpurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to take RV trips.
users.Publictransportationusers string This model ranks consumers based on their likelihood to regularly use public transportation (eg: trains, bus).
users.Uberlyftusers string This model ranks consumers based on their likelihood to use a private ride-sharing service.
users.Vehicleservicecenterusers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to always service their vehicle at service centers (Midas, Sears) versus going to a local auto mechanic.

Consumer Packaged Goods

The Consumer Packaged Goods Insights Bundle provides the core information related to the market trends/purchase behaviours of your customers and prospects and keys in the details object of a Person Summary.

  "name" : null,
  "age" : {
    "value" : 40
  "gender" : null,
  "household" : {
    "familyInfo" : {
      "numberOfChildren" : "2"
    "homeInfo" : {
      "dwellingType" : "Business",
      "dwellingTypeIndicator" : "S",
      "householdEducation" : "College",
      "householdEducationIndicator" : "S",
      "lengthOfResidence" : "20+ yrs",
      "lengthOfResidenceIndicator" : "S",
      "familyComposition" : "9"
    "presence" : {
      "presenceOfChildren" : "Y",
      "presenceOfChildrenIndicator" : "H"
    "finance" : {
      "income" : "$30,000 - $39,999",
      "incomeIndicator" : "H ",
      "netWorth" : "$150,000 - $249,999"
  "demographics" : {
    "age" : {
      "value" : 40
    "homeInfo" : {
      "homeOwner" : "Definite Renter",
      "homeOwnerIndicator" : "S"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "niches" : "Chic Society"
    "maritalInfo" : {
      "maritalStatus" : "Married",
      "maritalStatusIndicator" : "S"
  "emails" : [ ],
  "phones" : [ ],
  "profiles" : { },
  "locations" : [ ],
  "employment" : [ ],
  "photos" : [ ],
  "education" : [ ],
  "urls" : [ ],
  "marketTrends" : {
    "switchers" : {
      "alcoholBeverage" : "Highly Likely",
      "beerBrand" : "Likely",
      "breakfastMeatBrand" : "Highly Likely",
      "chocolateCandyBrand" : "Highly Likely",
      "cocaColaBrand" : "Likely",
      "coldCerealBrand" : "Highly Likely",
      "energyDrink" : "Highly Likely",
      "frozenFoodBrand" : "Highly Likely",
      "householdCleaningProductsBrand" : "Highly Likely",
      "naturalCheeseSlicesBrand" : "Likely",
      "naturalShreddedCheeseBrand" : "Likely",
      "nutritionalHealthBarBrand" : "Likely",
      "refrigeratedLunchMeatBrand" : "Likely",
      "snackBarGranolaBarBrand" : "Highly Likely",
      "softDrinksBrand" : "Likely",
      "spiritsBrand" : "Highly Likely",
      "yogurtBrand" : "Unlikely"
    "seekers" : {
      "freshFood" : "Likely",
      "homeCleaningNewProduct" : "Highly Likely",
      "laundryNewProduct" : "Highly Likely",
      "personalCareNewProduct" : "Likely",
      "premiumNaturalHomeCleaners" : "Likely",
      "scent" : "Unlikely",
      "unscentedProduct" : "Likely"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "brandLoyalists" : "Likely",
      "convenienceHomeCleaners" : "Highly Likely",
      "domesticBeer" : "Highly Likely",
      "hardCider" : "Unlikely",
      "hardSeltzer" : "Likely",
      "importBeer" : "Likely",
      "kroger" : "Unlikely",
      "liquor" : "Unlikely",
      "petsAreFamily" : "Unlikely",
      "redWine" : "Highly Likely",
      "target" : "Likely",
      "valueChains" : "Highly Likely",
      "walmart" : "Unlikely",
      "whiteWine" : "Highly Likely"
    "buyers" : {
      "heavyFiberFocusedFood" : "Unlikely",
      "heavyGlutenFreeFood" : "Highly Likely",
      "heavyLowFatFood" : "Unlikely",
      "onlineHomeCleaningProduct" : "Unlikely",
      "onlineLaundryProduct" : "Highly Likely",
      "onlinePersonalCareProduct" : "Likely",
      "onlinePetFood" : "Highly Likely"
    "chef" : {
      "experimental" : "Highly Likely",
      "master" : "Highly Likely",
      "realIngredient" : "Likely"
    "customers" : {
      "clicktoCartHomeDelivery" : "Highly Likely",
      "clicktoCartPickUp" : "Likely",
      "groceryLoyaltyCard" : "Likely"
    "consumers" : {
      "freshFoodDelivery" : "Likely",
      "groceryStoreFrequenters" : "Likely",
      "lowSodium" : "Highly Likely",
      "naturalGreenProductHomeCleaners" : "Highly Likely",
      "pandemicLuxurySpenders" : "Likely",
      "vegetarians" : "Highly Likely"
    "owners" : {
      "veterinarianInfluencedPet" : "Unlikely"
    "readers" : {
      "label" : "Highly Likely",
      "retailerCircular" : "Highly Likely"
    "subscribers" : {
      "retailerEmail" : "Unlikely"
    "planners" : {
      "budgetMeal" : "Highly Likely",
      "meal" : "Highly Likely",
      "preShop" : "Unlikely"
    "purchasers" : {
      "brandDrivenHomeCleaners" : "Highly Likely",
      "greenProduct" : "Unlikely",
      "impulse" : "Unlikely",
      "organicFood" : "Unlikely",
      "organicProduct" : "Likely"
    "spenders" : {
      "pandemicDecreasedSpenders" : "Likely"
    "shoppers" : {
      "everydayLowPrice" : "Likely",
      "multiRetailer" : "Likely",
      "oneStop" : "Likely",
      "priceMatchers" : "Highly Likely",
      "privateLabel" : "Likely",
      "quickShopAtWalmartOrTarget" : "Likely",
      "stockUp" : "Unlikely",
      "whatsOnSale" : "Likely"
    "stores" : {
      "stockUpAtGroceryStores" : "Unlikely",
      "stockUpAtWalmart" : "Unlikely"
    "users" : {
      "brandMotivatedLaundry" : "Likely",
      "brandMotivatedPersonalCareProduct" : "Unlikely",
      "convenienceDrivenPersonalCareProduct" : "Highly Likely",
      "groceryStoreApp" : "Unlikely",
      "heavyCoupon" : "Likely",
      "mobileShoppingList" : "Likely",
      "naturalProductPersonalCareProduct" : "Likely",
      "paperShoppingList" : "Unlikely",
      "premiumNaturalPersonalCareProduct" : "Highly Likely",
      "priceMotivatedLaundryProduct" : "Highly Likely",
      "priceMotivatedPersonalCareProduct" : "Likely",
      "targetCartwheel" : "Unlikely",
      "walmartSavingCatcher" : "Unlikely"
Properties string The full name (first and last) of the individual.
details.age.value integer The age in years of the individual.
details.gender string The gender of the individual.
Properties: details.household
familyInfo.Numberofchildren string The number of known children in the household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
homeInfo.Dwellingtype string This indicate the type of structure of the building in which the household resides.
homeInfo.Dwellingtypeindicator string Advantage dwelling type indicator.
homeInfo.Householdeducation string Median school years completed by adults age 18 or older.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidence string This indicates the length of time a household has been identified at this address.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidenceindicator string length of residence indicator.
homeInfo.Familycomposition string This represents the makeup of the household, such as married couple with children, married couple with no children or single female with no children.
presence.Presenceofchildren string Child present in household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
presence.Presenceofchildrenindicator string presence of children indicator.
Properties: details.survey
hobby.Automotivework string Interest present in Household for automotive work as a hobby.
Incomeindicator string This reflects whether data is sourced via self-reported income or inferred.
Incomeindex string Reflects an index comparing a household's income to the average income for the county in which the household resides..
Networth string This estimates the Net Worth model. Value equals household's asset minus liabilities.
Properties: details.demographics
age.value string The age in years of the individual.
homeInfo.Homeowner string Classification of household head as an owner/renter.
enthusiasts.niches string A specialised segment of the consumers.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatus string Marital status of individual.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatusindicator string individual marital status indicator.
Additional Properties
emails object string Object representing additional known email addresses.
phones object string Object representing additional known phone numbers.
profiles.{platform}.url string URL to the profile on the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.bio string Bio of the profile from the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.service string Name of the social platform.
locations[n].city string The "city" portion of the location address .
locations[n].region string The region portion of the location address, typically a state or province.
locations[n].regionCode string An abbreviated or code-based representation of the region.
locations[n].country string The country portion of the location address.
locations[n].formatted string The formatted address. string The name of the organization/place of employment.
employment.current string Indicator of whether or not this is the current place of employment.
employment.title string Job or position title.
photos[n].label string The type of photo.
photos[n].value string The URL to the photo.
education[n].name string The name of the school/university attended.
education[n].degree string The degree or focus of study.
education[n].end.year object string Object representing the last year, month and day attended.
urls[n].value string The URL of the website.
Properties: details.marketTrends
switchers.Alcoholbeverage string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Beerbrand string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Breakfastmeatbrand string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Chocolatecandybrand string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Cocacolabrand string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Coldcerealbrand string This model which ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Energydrink string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Frozenfoodbrand string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Householdcleaningproductsbrand string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Naturalcheeseslicesbrand string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Naturalshreddedcheesebrand string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Nutritionalhealthbarbrand string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Refrigeratedlunchmeatbrand string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Snackbargranolabarbrand string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Softdrinksbrand string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Spiritsbrand string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
switchers.Yogurtbrand string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch brands.
seekers.Freshfood string This model indicates customers who are interested in and purchase fresh food (grocery perimeter items).
seekers.Homecleaningnewproduct string This model indicates customers who actively seeks and interested in new home cleaning products.
seekers.Laundrynewproduct string This model indicates customers who actively seeks and interested in new laundry products.
seekers.Personalcarenewproduct string This model indicates customers who actively seeks and interested new personal care products.
seekers.Premiumnaturalhomecleaners string This model indicates customers who are willing to pay price premium for natural home cleaning products.
seekers.Scent string This model indicates customers who seeks products with scents across categories
seekers.Unscentedproduct string This model indicates customers who seeks unscented or fragrance free products across categories.
enthusiasts.Brandloyalists string This model includes specific brand preferences (Chobani vs. yogurt) and focus on brands vs. price.
enthusiasts.Conveniencehomecleaners string This model indicates tge greater likelihood to be interested in products that make home cleaning easier.
enthusiasts.Domesticbeer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to consume domestic beer.
enthusiasts.Hardcider string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to consume hard cider.
enthusiasts.Hardseltzer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to consume hard seltzer.
enthusiasts.Importbeer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to consume import beer.
enthusiasts.Kroger string Shop at Kroger at least once per week and have a loyalty. Rewards card and use the store app
enthusiasts.Liquor string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to consume liquor.
enthusiasts.Petsarefamily string Greater likelihood pet is treated as family member (in photos, birthday celebrations, goes to spa).
.enthusiasts.Redwine string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to consume red wine.
.enthusiasts.Targetenthusiast string Greater likelihood shoppers are loyal and supporters ofTarget.
enthusiasts.Valuechains string Shop at value chains at least once per week and have a loyalty/rewards card and use the store app(s)
enthusiasts.Walmartenthusiast string Greater likelihood shoppers are loyal and supporters ofWalmart.
enthusiasts.Whitewine string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to consume white wine.
buyers.Heavyfiberfocusedfoodbuyers string Greater likelihood to purchase product high in fiber.
buyers.Heavyglutenfreefoodbuyers string Greater likelihood to product without gluten.
buyers.Heavylowfatfoodbuyers string Greater likelihood to purchase low fat foods.
buyers.Onlinehomecleaningproductbuyers string Increased likelihood to purchase or interested in purchasing home cleaning products online.
buyers.Onlinelaundryproductbuyers string Increased likelihood to purchase or be interested in purchasing laundry product online.
buyers.Onlinepersonalcareproductbuyers string Increased likelihood to purchase or interested in purchasing personal care products online.
buyers.Onlinepetfoodbuyers string Increased likelihood to purchase or interested in purchasing pet food online.
chef.Experimentalcooks string Cooks that like to explore new recipes and meal ideas.
chef.Mastercook string Skilled cooks that enjoy the experience of cooking.
chef.Realingredientcook string Cook ingredients that take additional preparation work(buy lettuce vs. bagged salad).
customers.Clicktocarthomedeliverycustomers string This model predicts the customers who has shopped for groceries online and had them delivered to their home in the last 12 months.
customers.Clicktocartpickupcustomers string This model predicts the customers who has shopped for groceries online and picked them up at the store in the last 12 months
customers.Groceryloyaltycardcustomers string This model predicts the customers who use 3+ grocery store loyalty/rewards cards regularly
consumers.Freshfooddeliveryconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have fresh food delivered.
consumers.Grocerystorefrequenters string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to frequently shop at grocery stores.
consumers.Lowsodiumconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have low sodium diets.
consumers.Naturalgreenproducthomecleaners string This model ranks consumers who are Interested in products that have ingredients that are derived from renewable resources or are environment healthy.
consumers.Pandemicinrestaurantdiners string This model which ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to dine in restaurants during the pandemic.
consumers.Vegetarians string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be vegetarians..
owners.Veterinarianinfluencedpetowners string This model estimates that the Pet food owner is more likely to follow veterinarian recommendations for pet food.
readers.Labelreaders string Reader of product labels.
readers.Retailercircularreaders string This model ranks Shoppers who have an increased likelihood to research trips by reviewing newspaper or digital circulars.
subscribers.Retaileremailsubscribers string This model ranks the likelihood to subscribe to retailer emails.
planners.Budgetmealplanners string Plan meals in advance to manage budgets and stretch dollars.
planners.Mealplanners string This model ranks shoppers who develop weekly meal plans and shopping list to match their meal plans.
planners.Preshopplanners string This model ranks the likelihood shoppers are spending time research and planning trips prior to going to the store .
purchasers.Branddrivenhomecleaners string This model ranks the most likely to purchase branded home cleaning products.
purchasers.Greenproductpurchasers string Purchase or seek products that are non toxic, energy and water-efficient, and harmless to the environment.
purchasers.Impulsepurchasers string This model ranks the Increased likelihood shoppers will purchase off list items during in-store shopping.
purchasers.Organicfoodpurchasers string Seek food made from organic raw materials and organic certification.
purchasers.Organicproductpurchasers string Seek products made from organic raw materials and organic certification.
spenders.Pandemicdecreasedspenders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have decreased spending during the pandemic
shoppers.Bargainhotelshoppers string This model which ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to belong to shop for hotels based upon price concessions.
shoppers.Bargainshoppers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to shop on sale or use coupons.
shoppers.Everydaylowpriceshoppers string Greater likelihood to shop at or favor everyday low price format (example: Walmart).
shoppers.Financialinstitutionshoppers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch financial institutions in less than one year
shoppers.Highendshoppers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to shop in high-end stores (specialty or department) such as Coach or Nord storms.
shoppers.Multiretailershoppers string Increased likelihood of going to multiple retailers to execute their shopping list and fulfil shopping trip needs.
shoppers.Onestopshoppers string Primarily shop at one retailer for each shopping trip.
shoppers.Pricematchers string Shoppers that tend to match prices across retailers to where to shop and what to buy.
shoppers.Privatelabelshopper string Shoppers that have a greater likelihood to purchase private label brands.
shoppers.Quickshopatwalmartortarge string Shoppers that complete quick stop in trips at Walmart or Target.
shoppers.Stockupshoppers string Increase likelihood to complete larger shopping trips to fill-up on items and stock their pantries.
shoppers.Whatsonsaleshoppers string Greater likelihood shoppers plan what to buy based on what is on sale and will not purchase products un lesson-sale.
stores.Stockupatgrocerystores string This model ranks shopper that complete larger dollar sales trips at traditional grocery stores.
stores.Stockupatwalmart string This model ranks shopper that complete larger dollar sales trips at Walmart stores.
users.Brandmotivatedlaundryusers string Laundry product purchase driven by brand and brand loyalty.
users.Brandmotivatedpersonalcareproductusers string Personal care product purchase driven by brand and brand loyalty.
users.Conveniencedrivenpersonalcareproductusers string This model ranks consumers who are likely to purchase personal care products based on ease of use.
users.Grocerystoreappusers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use grocery store apps when they shop.
users.Heavycouponusers string Increased likelihood to be active coupon clippers and redeemers.
users.Mobileshoppinglistusers string This model ranks consumers who are likely to make a shopping list on their mobile phone.
users.Naturalproductpersonalcareproductusers string This model ranks consumers who are l interested in products that have ingredients that are derived from renewable resources like plants and minerals.
users.Papershoppinglistusers string This model ranks Shoppers who make and use paper list.
users.Premiumnaturalpersonalcareproductusers string This model ranks consumers who are Willing to pay price premium for natural personal care products.
users.Pricemotivatedlaundryproductusers string This model ranks consumers who are price sensitive and low cost laundry product users.
users.Pricemotivatedpersonalcareproductusers string This model ranks consumers who are price sensitive and low cost personal care product purchasers.
users.Targetcartwheelusers string This model ranks shoppers , report using the Target Cartwheel App.
users.Uberlyftusers string This model ranks consumers based on their likelihood to use a private ride-sharing service.
users.Walmartsavingcatcherusers string This model ranks Shoppers, report using the Walmart SavingsCatcher App.


The Education Insights Bundle provides valuable information related to the education /career advancement of your customers and prospects. This is useful to create segments based on the age group/career and the keys in the details object represents a Person Summary.

  "name" : null,
  "age" : {
    "value" : 40
  "gender" : null,
  "household" : {
    "familyInfo" : {
      "numberOfChildren" : "2",
      "lifeCycles" : {
        "babyBoomers" : "Y",
        "familyTies" : "Y"
    "homeInfo" : {
      "dwellingType" : "Business",
      "dwellingTypeIndicator" : "S",
      "householdEducation" : "College",
      "householdEducationIndicator" : "S",
      "lengthOfResidence" : "20+ yrs",
      "lengthOfResidenceIndicator" : "S",
      "familyComposition" : "9"
    "presence" : {
      "presenceOfChildren" : "Y",
      "presenceOfChildrenIndicator" : "H",
      "child" : {
        "age0to2" : "Female ",
        "age11to15" : "Male ",
        "age16to17" : "Female ",
        "age3to5" : "Male ",
        "age6to10" : "Female "
    "finance" : {
      "income" : "$30,000 - $39,999",
      "incomeIndicator" : "H ",
      "netWorth" : "$150,000 - $249,999"
    "childrenInfo" : {
      "gender" : {
        "firstChild" : "Female",
        "secondChild" : "Male",
        "thirdChild" : "Female",
        "fourthChild" : "Female"
      "birthDate" : {
        "firstChild" : "201304",
        "secondChild" : "201504",
        "thirdChild" : "201604",
        "fourthChild" : "201704"
  "demographics" : {
    "age" : {
      "value" : 40
    "homeInfo" : {
      "homeOwner" : "Definite Renter",
      "homeOwnerIndicator" : "S"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "niches" : "Chic Society"
    "maritalInfo" : {
      "maritalStatus" : "Married",
      "maritalStatusIndicator" : "S"
  "surveys" : {
    "hobby" : {
      "careerAdvancementCourses" : "Y"
  "emails" : [ ],
  "phones" : [ ],
  "profiles" : { },
  "locations" : [ ],
  "employment" : [ ],
  "photos" : [ ],
  "education" : [ ],
  "urls" : [ ],
  "marketTrends" : {
    "seekers" : {
      "onlineDegreeEducation" : "Likely"
    "customers" : {
      "studentLoan" : "Likely"
    "owners" : {
      "educationSavingsPlan" : "Unlikely"
Properties string The full name (first and last) of the individual.
details.age.value integer The age in years of the individual.
details.gender string The gender of the individual.
Properties: details.household
familyInfo.Numberofchildren string The number of known children in the household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
familyInfo.lifeCycles.Babyboomers string This lifecycle segment contains names and addresses of all individuals born between 1946 and 1964.
familyInfo.lifeCycles.Familyties string This lifecycle segment is defined as husband and wife households with children present.
homeInfo.Dwellingtype string This indicate the type of structure of the building in which the household resides.
homeInfo.Dwellingtypeindicator string Advantage dwelling type indicator.
homeInfo.Householdeducation string Median school years completed by adults age 18 or older.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidence string This indicates the length of time a household has been identified at this address.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidenceindicator string length of residence indicator.
homeInfo.Familycomposition string This represents the makeup of the household, such as married couple with children, married couple with no children or single female with no children.
presence.Presenceofchildren string Child present in household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
presence.child.Age0To2 string This indicates the presence (and gender) of a child in the household between or equal to the ages of 0 and 2.
presence.Presenceofchildrenindicator string This indicates the presence (and gender) of a child in the household between or equal to the ages of 3 and 5.
presence.child.Age3To5 string presence of children indicator.
presence.child.Age6To10 string This indicates the presence (and gender) of a child in the household between or equal to the ages of 6 and 10.
presence.child.Age11To15 string This indicates the presence (and gender) of a child in the household between or equal to the ages of 11 and 15.
presence.child.Age16To17 string This indicates the presence (and gender) of a child in the household between or equal to the ages of 16 and 17.
Incomeindicator string This reflects whether data is sourced via self-reported income or inferred.
Incomeindex string Reflects an index comparing a household's income to the average income for the county in which the household resides..
Networth string This estimates the Net Worth model. Value equals household's asset minus liabilities.
Properties: details.household.childreninfo
gender.Firstchild string Gender of the 1st child in the household.
gender.Secondchild string Gender of a second child in the household.
gender.Thirdchild string Gender of a third child in the household.
gender.Fourthchild string Gender of a fourth child in the household
birthdate.Firstchild string Birthdate of 1st child in the household.
birthdate.Secondchild string Birthdate of 2nd child in the household.
birthdate.Thirdchild string Birthdate of 3rd child in the household.
birthdate.Fourthchild string Birthdate of 4th child in the household.
Properties: details.demographics
age.Agein2Yearranges string Freeform adult age 18 years and older (minimum 2-year increment.
homeInfo.Homeowner string Classification of household head as an owner/renter.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
enthusiasts.niches string A specialised segment of the consumers.
martialinfo.Maritalstatus string Marital status of individual.
martialinfo.Maritalstatusindicator string individual marital status indicator.
Properties: details.surveys
hobby.Careeradvancementcourses string This model indicate the Interest present in Household for career advancement courses as a hobby.
Additional Properties
emails object string Object representing additional known email addresses.
phones object string Object representing additional known phone numbers.
profiles.{platform}.url string URL to the profile on the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.bio string Bio of the profile from the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.service string Name of the social platform.
locations[n].city string The "city" portion of the location address .
locations[n].region string The region portion of the location address, typically a state or province.
locations[n].regionCode string An abbreviated or code-based representation of the region.
locations[n].country string The country portion of the location address.
locations[n].formatted string The formatted address. string The name of the organization/place of employment.
employment.current string Indicator of whether or not this is the current place of employment.
employment.title string Job or position title.
photos[n].label string The type of photo.
photos[n].value string The URL to the photo.
education[n].name string The name of the school/university attended.
education[n].degree string The degree or focus of study.
education[n].end.year object string Object representing the last year, month and day attended.
urls[n].value string The URL of the website.
Properties: details.marketTrends
seekers.Onlinedegreeeducation string This model ranks consumers based on their likelihood to be online degree/online education seekers..
customers.Studentloancustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have a student loan..
owners.Educationsavingsplanowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have an ESP..

Energy and Utilities

The Energy & Utilities Insights Bundle comprising the basic amenities, such as security systems,solar roofing,vehicle service centers,home remodellers' and many more. This helps to create an unified ecosystem for your customers and prospects and the keys in the details` object represents a Person Summary.

  "name" : null,
  "age" : {
    "value" : 40
  "gender" : null,
  "household" : {
    "familyInfo" : {
      "numberOfChildren" : "2"
    "homeInfo" : {
      "dwellingType" : "Business",
      "dwellingTypeIndicator" : "S",
      "householdEducation" : "College",
      "householdEducationIndicator" : "S",
      "lengthOfResidence" : "20+ yrs",
      "lengthOfResidenceIndicator" : "S",
      "homeHeatSource" : "Steam",
      "familyComposition" : "9"
    "presence" : {
      "presenceOfChildren" : "Y",
      "presenceOfChildrenIndicator" : "H"
    "finance" : {
      "income" : "$30,000 - $39,999",
      "incomeIndicator" : "H ",
      "netWorth" : "$150,000 - $249,999"
  "demographics" : {
    "age" : {
      "value" : 40
    "homeInfo" : {
      "homeOwner" : "Definite Renter",
      "homeOwnerIndicator" : "S"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "niches" : "Chic Society"
    "maritalInfo" : {
      "maritalStatus" : "Married",
      "maritalStatusIndicator" : "S"
  "emails" : [ ],
  "phones" : [ ],
  "profiles" : { },
  "locations" : [ ],
  "employment" : [ ],
  "photos" : [ ],
  "education" : [ ],
  "urls" : [ ],
  "marketTrends" : {
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "breakfastDining" : "Unlikely"
    "customers" : {
      "plantoPurchaseSmartHomeProducts" : "Likely"
    "consumers" : {
      "doitYourselfer" : "Unlikely",
      "homeRemodelers" : "Unlikely",
      "intheMarkettoPurchaseaHome" : "Likely",
      "plantoPurchaseHomeSecuritySystems" : "Unlikely",
      "vehicleDIYrs" : "Likely"
    "purchasers" : {
      "homeWarranty" : "Likely"
    "users" : {
      "publicTransportation" : "Highly Likely",
      "solarRoofingInterest" : "Unlikely",
      "vehicleServiceCenter" : "Likely"
Properties string The full name (first and last) of the individual.
details.age.value integer The age in years of the individual.
details.gender string The gender of the individual.
Properties: details.household
familyInfo.Numberofchildren string The number of known children in the household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
homeInfo.Dwellingtype string This indicate the type of structure of the building in which the household resides.
homeInfo.Dwellingtypeindicator string Advantage dwelling type indicator.
homeInfo.Householdeducation string Median school years completed by adults age 18 or older.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidence string This indicates the length of time a household has been identified at this address.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidenceindicator string length of residence indicator.
homeInfo.Familycomposition string This represents the makeup of the household, such as married couple with children, married couple with no children or single female with no children.
presence.Presenceofchildren string Child present in household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
Properties: details. household. finance
Incomeindicator string This reflects whether data is sourced via self-reported income or inferred.
Incomeindex string Reflects an index comparing a household's income to the average income for the county in which the household resides..
Networth string This estimates the Net Worth model. Value equals household's asset minus liabilities.
Properties: details.demographics
age.value string The age in years of the individual.
homeInfo.Homeowner string Classification of household head as an owner/renter.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
enthusiasts.niches string A specialised segment of the consumers.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatus string Marital status of individual.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatusindicator string individual marital status indicator.
Properties: details.surveys
hobby.Careeradvancementcourses string This model indicate the Interest present in Household for career advancement courses as a hobby.
Additional Properties
emails object string Object representing additional known email addresses.
phones object string Object representing additional known phone numbers.
profiles.{platform}.url string URL to the profile on the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.bio string Bio of the profile from the social platform.
profiles.{platform}.service string Name of the social platform.
locations[n].city string The "city" portion of the location address .
locations[n].region string The region portion of the location address, typically a state or province.
locations[n].regionCode string An abbreviated or code-based representation of the region.
locations[n].country string The country portion of the location address.
locations[n].formatted string The formatted address. string The name of the organization/place of employment.
employment.current string Indicator of whether or not this is the current place of employment.
employment.title string Job or position title.
photos[n].label string The type of photo.
photos[n].value string The URL to the photo.
education[n].name string The name of the school/university attended.
education[n].degree string The degree or focus of study.
education[n].end.year object string Object representing the last year, month and day attended.
urls[n].value string The URL of the website.
Properties: details.marketTrends
enthusiasts.Breakfastdining string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood dine out frequently for breakfast.
customers.Plantopurchasesmarthomeproductscustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be plan to purchase smart home products.
consumers.Doityourselfer string This model consumers based upon their likelihood to complete their own moderate to large home improvements.
consumers.Homeremodelers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to do home re modeling projects.
consumers.Doityourselfer string This model consumers based upon their likelihood to complete their own moderate to large home improvements.
consumers.Inthemarkettopurchaseahome string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase a condo/apartment/house in next 12 months.
consumers.Plantopurchasehomesecuritysystems string This model ranks consumers based upon the likelihood to purchase a security system in the next 12 months.
consumers.Vehiclediyrs string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to always do their own vehicle maintenance/repairs.
purchasers.Homewarrantypurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase a home warranty in the next 12 months.
users.Publictransportationusers string This model ranks consumers based on their likelihood to regularly use public transportation (eg: trains, bus).
users.Solarroofinginterest string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be interested in solar roofing.
users.Vehicleservicecenterusers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to always service their vehicle at service centers (Midas, Sears) versus going to a local auto mechanic.

Financial Services and Insurance

The Financial Services & Insurance Bundle provides very valuable information related to the debt/equity/investments and networth of your customers and prospects. This helps in creating user persona and personalised campaigns  and the keys in the details object represents a Person Summary.

  "name" : null,
  "age" : {
    "value" : 40
  "gender" : null,
  "household" : {
    "familyInfo" : {
      "numberOfChildren" : "2"
    "homeInfo" : {
      "dwellingType" : "Business",
      "dwellingTypeIndicator" : "S",
      "householdEducation" : "College",
      "householdEducationIndicator" : "S",
      "lengthOfResidence" : "20+ yrs",
      "lengthOfResidenceIndicator" : "S",
      "affluents" : "Silver",
      "currentLoanToValue" : "48",
      "familyComposition" : "9",
      "homeMarketValue" : "3154S",
      "ownerToOwner" : "Likely",
      "rentertoOwner" : "Likely",
      "yearHomeBuilt" : "1968"
    "presence" : {
      "presenceOfChildren" : "Y",
      "presenceOfChildrenIndicator" : "H",
      "child" : {
        "age0to2" : "Female ",
        "age11to15" : "Male ",
        "age16to17" : "Female ",
        "age3to5" : "Male "
    "finance" : {
      "income" : "$30,000 - $39,999",
      "incomeIndicator" : "H ",
      "narrowBandIncome" : "$20,000 - $24,999",
      "discretionarySpendingIncome" : "$65,000 - $74,999",
      "firstMortgageAmountInThousands" : "5147",
      "homeEquityLoanDate" : "200811",
      "homeMarketValueTaxRecord" : "453",
      "homeEquityLoanInThousands" : "829",
      "homeEquityLoanIndicator" : "1",
      "investmentResources" : "$250,000 - $499,999",
      "liquidResources" : "$500 - $2,499",
      "mortgageInterestRateTypeOrRefinance" : "Fixed Rate Loan",
      "mortgageLiability" : "425",
      "mortgageLoanTypeOrRefinance" : "New Construction",
      "mortgageDate" : "201204",
      "refinanceIndicator" : "1",
      "secondMortgageAmountInThousands" : "150",
      "shortTermLiability" : "$50,000 or more",
      "incomeIndex" : "35",
      "netWorth" : "$150,000 - $249,999",
      "wealthResources" : "$250,000 - $499,999"
  "demographics" : {
    "age" : {
      "value" : 40
    "consumers" : {
      "valueScore" : "Above Average Profit Margin"
    "homeInfo" : {
      "homeOwner" : "Definite Renter",
      "homeOwnerIndicator" : "S"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "niches" : "Chic Society"
    "maritalInfo" : {
      "maritalStatus" : "Married",
      "maritalStatusIndicator" : "S"
  "surveys" : {
    "investments" : {
      "juvenileLifeInsurance" : "Y",
      "burialInsurance" : "Y",
      "insurance" : "Y",
      "investments" : "Y",
      "lifeInsurance" : "Y",
      "medicareCoverage" : "Y",
      "mutualFunds" : "Y",
      "stocksOrBonds" : "Y"
  "emails" : [ ],
  "phones" : [ ],
  "profiles" : { },
  "locations" : [ ],
  "employment" : [ ],
  "photos" : [ ],
  "education" : [ ],
  "urls" : [ ],
  "marketTrends" : {
    "switchers" : {
      "insurance" : "Likely",
      "job" : "Likely"
    "buyers" : {
      "autoInsuranceSelfServeOnline" : "Highly Likely",
      "onlineInsurance" : "Highly Likely"
    "customers" : {
      "annuity" : "Highly Likely",
      "autoInsurancePremiumDiscountviaTelematicsCustomer" : "Likely",
      "certificatesofDeposit" : "Highly Likely",
      "communityBankCustomer" : "Highly Likely",
      "convenience" : "Unlikely",
      "deposit" : "Unlikely",
      "financialAdvisor" : "Unlikely",
      "frequentATM" : "Unlikely",
      "interestCheckingPreference" : "Highly Likely",
      "lending" : "Highly Likely",
      "loyalFinancialInstitution" : "Unlikely",
      "nationalBankCustomer" : "Likely",
      "regionalBankCustomer" : "Likely",
      "selfInsuredDental" : "Unlikely",
      "studentLoan" : "Likely",
      "qsrcash" : "Unlikely"
    "consumers" : {
      "autoInsurance" : "Highly Likely",
      "autoInsuranceAgentSold" : "Likely",
      "autoInsuranceCallCenterSold" : "Likely",
      "conservativeInvestmentStyle" : "Highly Likely",
      "contactlessPayApplication" : "Likely",
      "creditCardAttritionHouseholds" : "Highly Likely",
      "creditCardRevolvers" : "Unlikely",
      "creditUnionMember" : "Likely",
      "employerProvidedHealthInsurancePolicyHolders" : "Unlikely",
      "futureInvestors" : "Likely",
      "gigEconomyEmployees" : "Highly Likely",
      "homeRemodelers" : "Unlikely",
      "intheMarkettoGetaHomeLoan" : "Unlikely",
      "intheMarkettoPurchaseaHome" : "Likely",
      "investmentTrustBankingPreference" : "Likely",
      "likelyMortgageRefinancers" : "Unlikely",
      "likelytoUseanInvestmentBroker" : "Likely",
      "likelytohaveaMortgage" : "Highly Likely",
      "longTermCare" : "Unlikely",
      "lowInterestCreditCard" : "Unlikely",
      "medicaidPotentialQualifiedHousehold" : "Unlikely",
      "medicareDualEligibleHousehold" : "Unlikely",
      "medicarePlanDPrescriptionDrugHealth" : "Likely",
      "non401kMutualFundInvestors" : "Highly Likely",
      "non401kStocksBondsInvestors" : "Likely",
      "paychecktoPaycheck" : "Likely",
      "rentersandAutoInsuranceJointPolicyHolders" : "Likely",
      "retiredbutStillWorking" : "Likely",
      "selfPayHealthInsurance" : "Likely",
      "seniorCaregivers" : "Likely",
      "seniorLivingSearchers" : "Unlikely",
      "termLife" : "Likely",
      "underbanked" : "Likely",
      "uninsuredforHealth" : "Unlikely",
      "upcomingRetirees65andOlder" : "Unlikely",
      "weeklyOnlineBankers" : "Unlikely",
      "wholeLife" : "Highly Likely",
      "workforSmallCompanyOfferingHealthInsurance" : "Highly Likely"
    "owners" : {
      "_401k" : "Unlikely",
      "educationSavingsPlan" : "Unlikely",
      "multiPolicyInsurance" : "Highly Likely",
      "prepaidCard" : "Unlikely",
      "secondHome" : "Likely",
      "timeshare" : "Highly Likely"
    "subscribers" : {
      "financialHealthNewsletter" : "Unlikely"
    "purchasers" : {
      "impulse" : "Unlikely",
      "medicareAdvantagePlan" : "Likely",
      "midmarketTermLifeInsurance" : "Likely",
      "midmarketWholeLifeInsurance" : "Unlikely",
      "petInsurance" : "Likely",
      "acahealthInsurance" : "Highly Likely"
    "shoppers" : {
      "financialInstitution" : "Highly Likely"
    "users" : {
      "brandedRetailCreditCard" : "Highly Likely",
      "creditCardBalanceTransfer" : "Likely",
      "debitCardRewards" : "Highly Likely",
      "debitCard" : "Highly Likely",
      "mobileBanking" : "Unlikely",
      "onlineBroker" : "Likely",
      "onlineSavings" : "Likely",
      "rewardsCardCashBack" : "Unlikely",
      "rewardsCardOther" : "Likely"
Properties string The given name (first name) of the individual.
details.age.value integer The age in years of the individual.
details.gender string The gender of the individual.
Properties: details.household
familyInfo.Numberofchildren string The number of known children in the household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
homeInfo.Dwellingtype string This indicate the type of structure of the building in which the household resides.
homeInfo.Dwellingtypeindicator string Advantage dwelling type indicator.
homeInfo.Householdeducation string Median school years completed by adults age 18 or older.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidence string This indicates the length of time a household has been identified at this address.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidenceindicator string length of residence indicator.
homeInfo.Affluents string This indicates the segments of the most affluent households based upon key financial characteristics and census characteristics.
homeInfo.Currentloantovalue string Current loan to value (implied decimal 00.00 to 99.99).
homeInfo.Familycomposition string This represents the makeup of the household, such as married couple with children, married couple with no children or single female with no children.
homeInfo.Homemarketvalue string This estimates the home market value for property expressed in thousands.
homeInfo.Ownertoowner string This model predicts a household's likelihood to move in the next 3-5 months.
homeInfo.Rentertoowner string This model for current renters. This model predicts a household's likelihood to move in the next 3-5 months.
homeInfo.Yearhomebuilt string This indicates construction year of the home.
presence.Presenceofchildren string Child present in household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
presence.Presenceofchildrenindicator string presence of children indicator.
presence.child.Age0To2 string Indicates the presence (and gender) of a child in the household between or equal to the ages of 0 and 2
presence.child.Age3To5 string Indicates the presence (and gender) of a child in the household between or equal to the ages of 3 and 5.
presence.child.Age11To15 string Indicates the presence (and gender) of a child in the household between or equal to the ages of 11 and 15
presence.child.Age16To17 string Indicates the presence (and gender) of a child in the household between or equal to the ages of 16 and 17.
Income string This model defines the self-reported incomes, property values and other proprietary sources
Incomeindicator string This Indicator reflects if data is sourced via self-reported income or inferred.
Narrowbandincome string This model defines the self-reported incomes, property values and other proprietary sources
Discretionaryspendingincome string This model estimates the household income after taxes, shelter, food, clothes, transportation, utilities, and healthcare.
Firstmortgageamountinthousands string This model indicates the First mortgage amount in thousands
Homeequityloandate string Date of home equity loan
Homemarketvaluetaxrecord string This model indicates the Home market value (actual value) provided via county/local tax and deed information.
Homeequityloaninthousands string This model indicates the Actual amount of home equity loan
Homeequityloanindicator string This model indicates the Flag that home equity loan is associated with that property
Investmentresources string This model estimate the financial and other investments
Liquidresources string This model estimates the current cash savings
Mortgageinterestratetypeorrefinance string Interest rate type of mortgage (or refinance)
Mortgageliability string Primary property mortgage
Mortgageloantypeorrefinance string Loan type of mortgage (or refinance)
Mortgagedate string Date of mortgage (or refinance)
Refinanceindicator string Flag indicating a refinance is associated with that property
Secondmortgageamountinthousands string 2nd mortgage amount (actual value): original transaction
shorttermliability string This model estimates the credit cards, other loan, auto loan, student loan.
Incomeindex string Reflects an index comparing a household's income to the average income for the county in which the household resides.
Networth string This model indicates the Value equals household's asset minus liabilities.
Wealthresources string This model estimates the value of savings and investments
Properties: details.demographics
age.value string The age in years of the individual.
consumers.Valuescore string This model estimates the consumer marketing profitability margin.
homeInfo.Homeowner string Classification of household head as an owner/renter.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator
enthusiasts.niches string A specialised segment of the consumers.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatus string Marital status of individual.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatusindicator string individual marital status indicator.
Properties: details.surveys
investments.Juvenilelifeinsurance string This model indicates the customers who has interest present in Household for Juvenile life insurance
investments.Burialinsurance string This model indicates the customers who has interest present in Household for burial insurance
investments.Insurance string This model indicates the customers who has interest present in Household for insurance
investments.Investments string This model indicates the customers who has interest present in Household for investments
investments.Lifeinsurance string This model indicates the customers who has interest present in Household for life insurance
investments.Medicarecoverage string This model indicates the customers who has interest present in Household for medicare coverage
investments.Mutualfunds string This model indicates the customers who has interest present in Household for mutual funds
investments.Stocksorbonds string This model indicates the customers who has interest present in Household for stocks or bonds
Additional Properties
Properties: details.marketTrends
switchers.Insuranceswitcher string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch insurance providers.
switchers.Job string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch jobs.
customers.Annuitycustomersinvestments.Insurance string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to buy annuities.
customers.Autoinsurancepremiumdiscountviatelematicscustomer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase telematics for their vehicle to get auto insurance discounts.
customers.Certificatesofdepositcustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have CDs.
customers.Communitybankcustomer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to bank at a community bank.
customers.Conveniencecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to choose their FI because of convenience reasons such as hours/location .
customers.Depositcustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to choose their FI for deposit options.
customers.Financialadvisorcustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use services of a Financial Advisor.
customers.Frequentatmcustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon theirlikelihood to use Debit/ATM Cards 16+ times per month.
customers.Interestcheckingpreferencecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to choose an FI because of Interest Checking.
customers.Lendingcustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to choose FI for lending options (loan rates).
customers.Loyalfinancialinstitutioncustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be loyal to their FI (more than 5 year).
customers.Nationalbankcustomer01 string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to bank at a national bank.
customers.Regionalbankcustomer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to bank at a regional bank.
customers.Selfinsureddentalcustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have purchased this insurance.
customers.Studentloancustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have a student loan.
customers.Qsrcashcustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to pay cash at QSRs.
consumers.Autoinsurance string This model estimate the consumers who has auto insurance
consumers.Autoinsuranceagentsold string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have purchased auto insurance through an agent.
consumers.Autoinsurancecallcentersold string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have purchased auto insurance through a call center.
consumers.Conservativeinvestmentstyleconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to invest conservatively.
consumers.Contactlesspayapplicationconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood touse contactless payment methods.
consumers.Creditcardattritionhouseholds string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to pay off credit cards or carry zero balance on cards.
consumers.Creditcardrevolvers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to revolve credit balances.
consumers.Creditunionmember string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to belong to a credit union.
consumers.Employerprovidedhealthinsurancepolicyholders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use health insurance benefits from their employers.
consumers.Futureinvestors string This model ranks consumers based on their likelihood to be future investors (individuals planning to invest for the first time).
consumers.Gigeconomyemployees string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be gig employed.
consumers.Homeremodelers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to do home remodeling projects.
consumers.Inthemarkettogetahomeloan string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase a home in next 12 months.
consumers.Inthemarkettopurchaseahome string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase a condo/apartment/house in next 12 months.
consumers.Investmenttrustbankingpreference string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to choose a financial institution because of investment/trust options.
consumers.Likelymortgagerefinancers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to refinance their mortgage.
consumers.Likelytouseaninvestmentbroker string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use this type of broker.
consumers.Likelytohaveamortgage string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have a mortgage.
consumers.Longtermcare string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to buy long term care insurance.
consumers.Lowinterestcreditcarduser string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use this type of credit card.
consumers.Medicaidpotentialqualifiedhousehold string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have purchased health insurance via the ACA.
consumers.Medicaredualeligiblehousehold string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid.
consumers.Medicareplandprescriptiondrughealthpurchaser string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to plan to get Plan D prescription drug coverage.
consumers.Non401Kmutualfundinvestors string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to invest in non-401k mutual funds.
consumers.Non401Kstocksbondsinvestors string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to invest in non-401k stocks/bonds.
consumers.Paychecktopaycheckconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to live pay check to pay check.
consumers.Rentersandautoinsurancejointpolicyholders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have renter and auto insurance with same carrier.
consumers.Retailtexters string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to open text messages from retailers.
consumers.Retiredbutstillworking string This model ranks consumers based upon the likelihood to still be employed post-retirement.
consumers.Selfpayhealthinsurance string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase insurance on their own.
consumers.Seniorcaregivers string This model ranks consumers based on their likelihood to be or plan to be a senior caregiver or purchase/plan for senior caregiving services.
consumers.Seniorlivingsearchers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be looking for senior living arrangements for themselves or parents.
consumers.Termlife string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to buy Term Life insurance.
consumers.Underbankedconsumers string This model ranks consumers based on their likelihood to be underbanked and have very limited or zero credit.
consumers.Uninsuredforhealth string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to need add'l insurance.
consumers.Upcomingretirees65Andolder string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to retire at age 65 and older in the next 12 months.
consumers.Weeklyonlinebankers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to bank online at least weekly.
consumers.Wholelife string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to buy WholeLife insurance.
consumers.Workforsmallcompanyofferinghealthinsurance string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be self employed or work for a small co that offers insurance.
owners.401Kowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have a 401k.
owners.Boatowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to own a boat.
owners.Educationsavingsplanowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have an ESP.
owners.Multipolicyinsuranceowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have home and auto policies with same company.
owners.Prepaidcardowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be aware of and currently use prepaid cards.
owners.Secondhomeowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have more than on residence.
owners.Timeshareowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to belong to own time shares.
subscribers.Financialhealthnewslettersubscribers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to subscribe to newsletters.
purchasers.Impulsepurchasers string Increased likelihood shoppers will purchase off list items during in-store shopping.
purchasers.Medicareadvantageplanpurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase Medicare Advantage Plan.
purchasers.Midmarkettermlifeinsurancepurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase Mid market Term Life Insurance.
purchasers.Midmarketwholelifeinsurancepurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase whole life insurance.
purchasers.Newnonluxuryvehiclepurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have purchased a new non-luxury vehicle.
purchasers.Organicproductpurchasers string Seek products made from organic raw materials and organic certification.
purchasers.Petinsurancepurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase pet insurance.
purchasers.Acahealthinsurancepurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have purchased health insurance via the ACA.
shoppers.Financialinstitutionshoppers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch financial institutions in less than one year
users.Brandedretailcreditcardusers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to open cards specific to individual retailers or open cards to accrue points for use at retailer.
users.Creditcardbalancetransferusers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use a credit card to pay balances due on another credit card.
users.Debitcardrewardsusers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to choose checking account if it earned Debit CardRewards.
users.Debitcarduser string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use a debit card.
users.Mobilebankingusers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use GoogleWallet/Apple Pay or Venmo/Abra mobile payment services.
users.Onlinebrokeruser string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use an online broker.
users.Rewardscardcashbackuser string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use this type of credit card.
users.Rewardscardotheruser string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use this type of credit card.

Media and Entertainment

The Media & Entertainment Insights Bundle provides the most core information of an individual related to the kind of books they read,sports they are interested in, and their household information. This is useful to create customer segmentation and the keys in the details object represents a Person Summary.

  "name" : null,
  "age" : {
    "value" : 40
  "gender" : null,
  "household" : {
    "familyInfo" : {
      "numberOfChildren" : "2"
    "homeInfo" : {
      "dwellingType" : "Business",
      "dwellingTypeIndicator" : "S",
      "householdEducation" : "College",
      "householdEducationIndicator" : "S",
      "lengthOfResidence" : "20+ yrs",
      "lengthOfResidenceIndicator" : "S",
      "familyComposition" : "9"
    "presence" : {
      "presenceOfChildren" : "Y",
      "presenceOfChildrenIndicator" : "H"
    "finance" : {
      "income" : "$30,000 - $39,999",
      "incomeIndicator" : "H ",
      "netWorth" : "$150,000 - $249,999"
  "demographics" : {
    "age" : {
      "value" : 40
    "homeInfo" : {
      "homeOwner" : "Definite Renter",
      "homeOwnerIndicator" : "S"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "niches" : "Chic Society"
    "maritalInfo" : {
      "maritalStatus" : "Married",
      "maritalStatusIndicator" : "S"
  "surveys" : {
    "hobby" : {
      "culturalArtsOrEvents" : "Y"
  "emails" : [ ],
  "phones" : [ ],
  "profiles" : { },
  "locations" : [ ],
  "employment" : [ ],
  "photos" : [ ],
  "education" : [ ],
  "urls" : [ ],
  "marketTrends" : {
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "artHouseMovie" : "Highly Likely",
      "baseball" : "Unlikely",
      "basketball" : "Likely",
      "christianorGospelMusic" : "Unlikely",
      "cigarPipe" : "Likely",
      "countryMusic" : "Unlikely",
      "discountMovie" : "Highly Likely",
      "extremeFitness" : "Likely",
      "fantasySports" : "Likely",
      "football" : "Unlikely",
      "freeStreaming" : "Likely",
      "frequentMovie" : "Highly Likely",
      "gamingnonMobileDevices" : "Likely",
      "hockey" : "Likely",
      "homeShoppingNetwork" : "Likely",
      "latinMusic" : "Unlikely",
      "mobileGaming" : "Highly Likely",
      "openingWeekendMovie" : "Likely",
      "paidStreaming" : "Unlikely",
      "soccer" : "Likely",
      "yogaPilates" : "Highly Likely"
    "attendees" : {
      "amusementPark" : "Unlikely",
      "culturalArtsEvents" : "Unlikely",
      "liveMusicConcert" : "Highly Likely",
      "professionalSportsEvents" : "Likely"
    "customers" : {
      "directMediaPreference" : "Likely",
      "internetResearchPreference" : "Unlikely",
      "plantoPurchaseSmartHomeProducts" : "Likely",
      "smartHome" : "Likely",
      "socialMediaPreference" : "Likely"
    "consumers" : {
      "coinsCollector" : "Likely",
      "frequentOnlineMovieViewers" : "Likely",
      "gamers" : "Likely",
      "homeEntertainers" : "Highly Likely",
      "intheMarkettoPurchaseaHome" : "Likely",
      "intendtoPurchaseaSamsungmobiledevice" : "Likely",
      "intendtopurchase5GService" : "Unlikely",
      "mobileBrowsers" : "Likely",
      "movieLoyaltyProgramMembers" : "Likely",
      "plantoPurchaseHomeSecuritySystems" : "Unlikely",
      "plantogetFitnessMembership" : "Likely",
      "sociallyInfluenced" : "Unlikely"
    "owners" : {
      "androidSmartPhone" : "Likely",
      "appleSmartPhone" : "Unlikely",
      "boat" : "Unlikely",
      "smartTV" : "Highly Likely",
      "tablet" : "Likely"
    "readers" : {
      "avidBook" : "Unlikely",
      "bibleDevotional" : "Unlikely",
      "book" : "Highly Likely",
      "entertainment" : "Likely",
      "romance" : "Unlikely",
      "sports" : "Likely"
    "subscribers" : {
      "cableTVPremium" : "Likely",
      "financialHealthNewsletter" : "Unlikely",
      "onlineMagazineNewspaper" : "Unlikely"
    "purchasers" : {
      "frequentOnlineMusic" : "Highly Likely"
    "users" : {
      "sociallyActiveonFacebook" : "Highly Likely",
      "sociallyActiveonFacebookBrandLikers" : "Unlikely",
      "sociallyActiveonFacebookCategoryRecommenders" : "Highly Likely",
      "sociallyActiveonPinterest" : "Unlikely",
      "sociallyActiveonTwitter" : "Unlikely"
Properties string The full name (first and last) of the individual.
details.age.value integer The age in years of the individual.
details.gender string The gender of the individual.
Properties: details.household
familyInfo.Numberofchildren string The number of known children in the household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
homeInfo.Dwellingtype string This indicate the type of structure of the building in which the household resides.
homeInfo.Dwellingtypeindicator string Advantage dwelling type indicator.
homeInfo.Householdeducation string Median school years completed by adults age 18 or older.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidence string This indicates the length of time a household has been identified at this address.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidenceindicator string length of residence indicator.
homeInfo.Familycomposition string This represents the makeup of the household, such as married couple with children, married couple with no children or single female with no children.
presence.Presenceofchildren string Child present in household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
presence.Presenceofchildrenindicator string presence of children indicator.
Incomeindicator string This reflects whether data is sourced via self-reported income or inferred.
Incomeindex string Reflects an index comparing a household's income to the average income for the county in which the household resides..
Networth string This estimates the Net Worth model. Value equals household's asset minus liabilities.
Properties: details.demographics
age.value string The age in years of the individual.
homeInfo.Homeowner string Classification of household head as an owner/renter.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
enthusiasts.niches string A specialised segment of the consumers.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatus string Marital status of individual.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatusindicator string individual marital status indicator.
Properties: details.survey
hobby.Culturalartsorevents string This indicate the interest present in Household for cultural/arts events as a hobby.
Additional Properties
Properties: details.marketTrends
enthusiasts.Arthousemovie string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to attend art house movie venues.
enthusiasts.Baseball string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to plan to watch baseball for entertainment.
enthusiasts.Basketball string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to plan to watch basketball for entertainment.
enthusiasts.Christianorgospelmusic string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to plan to listen to spiritual music for entertainment.
enthusiasts.Cigarpipe string This model ranks consumers based on their likelihood to be cigar/pipe enthusiast.
enthusiasts.Countrymusic string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to plan to listen to country music for entertainment.
enthusiasts.Discountmovie string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to attend discount movies.
enthusiasts.Extremefitness string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to participate in P90X, Cross fit or other fitness programs.
enthusiasts.Fantasysports string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to participate in fantasy sports.
enthusiasts.Football string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to plan to watch football for entertainment.
enthusiasts.Freestreaming string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use free streaming services.
enthusiasts.Frequentmovie string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to attend movies.
enthusiasts.Gamingnonmobiledevices string This model ranks ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be gaming enthusiasts on non-Mobile devices.
enthusiasts.Hockey string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be interested in watching hockey for entertainment.
enthusiasts.Homeshoppingnetwork string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to frequently shop on the Home Shopping Network.
enthusiasts.Latinmusic string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be prefer listening to Latin music relative to other types of music.
enthusiasts.Mobilegaming string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be mobile game enthusiasts.
enthusiasts.Openingweekendmovie string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to go attend movies on opening weekend.
enthusiasts.Paidstreaming string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to pay for streaming services.
enthusiasts.Soccer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be interested in watching soccer on tv.
enthusiasts.Yogapilatesenthusiast string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to do yoga/pilates.
Attendees.Amusementpark string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood attend amusement parks.
Attendees.Culturalartsevents string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to attend these events.
Attendees.Livemusicconcert string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to attend concerts.
Attendees.Professionalsportsevents string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to attend these events.
customers.Directmediapreferencecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to review media via postal mail.
customers.Internetresearchpreferencecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to review media via searches online.
customers.Plantopurchasesmarthomeproductscustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be plan to purchase smart home products.
customers.Smarthomecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be smart home customers.
customers.Socialmediapreferencecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to review media via social networks.
consumers.Coinscollector string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to collect coins.
consumers.Frequentonlinemovieviewers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to access movies online.
consumers.Gamers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to participate in online gaming.
consumers.Homeentertainers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to entertain at home.
consumers.Inthemarkettogetahomeloan string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase a home in next 12 months.
consumers.Intendtopurchaseasamsungmobiledevice string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase a Samsung Mobile Device.
consumers.Intendtopurchase5Gservice string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase 5G service.
consumers.Mobilebrowsers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to research products via their mobile phone.
consumers.Movieloyaltyprogrammembers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to belong to movie loyalty programs.
consumers.Plantopurchasehomesecuritysystems string This model ranks consumers based upon the likelihood to purchase a security system in the next 12months.
consumers.Plantogetfitnessmembership string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to plan to get a membership in the next 12 months.
consumers.Sociallyinfluencedconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be influenced to purchase via social media activity.
owners.Androidsmartphoneowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to ownAndroid smart phones.
owners.Applesmartphoneowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to own Apple smart phones.
owners.Boatowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to own a boat.
owners.Smarttvowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to own a SmartTV.
owners.Tabletowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to own tablets such as the iPad.
readers.Avidbookreaders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to read 3+ books/month.
readers.Bibledevotionalreaders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to read BibleDevotional books/magazines.
readers.Bookreaders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to read books.
readers.Entertainmentreaders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to read entertainment.
readers.Romancereaders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to read Romance books.
readers.Sportsreaders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to read sports books/magazines.
subscribers.Cabletvpremiumsubscribers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have premium channel service (eg: NFL, HBO, Showtime).
subscribers.Financialhealthnewslettersubscribers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to subscribe to newsletters.
subscribers.Onlinemagazinenewspapersubscribers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to subscribe online.
purchasers.Frequentonlinemusicpurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase music online.
users.Sociallyactiveonfacebook string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to useFacebook with 100+ contacts.
users.Sociallyactiveonfacebookbrandlikers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to like numerous brands on Facebook.
users.Sociallyactiveonfacebookcategoryrecommenders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to recommend numerous categories on Facebook.
users.Sociallyactiveonpinterest string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use Pinterest daily.
users.Sociallyactiveontwitter string This model ranks ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use Twitter daily.

Quick Serve and Restaurant

The Restaurant/QSR Insights Bundle provides worthy information related to the choice of food/places information of your customers and prospects. This is useful to do targeted promotions/campaigns based on the segmentation and the keys in the details represents a Person Summary.

  "name" : null,
  "age" : {
    "value" : 40
  "gender" : null,
  "household" : {
    "familyInfo" : {
      "numberOfChildren" : "2"
    "homeInfo" : {
      "dwellingType" : "Business",
      "dwellingTypeIndicator" : "S",
      "householdEducation" : "College",
      "householdEducationIndicator" : "S",
      "lengthOfResidence" : "20+ yrs",
      "lengthOfResidenceIndicator" : "S",
      "familyComposition" : "9"
    "presence" : {
      "presenceOfChildren" : "Y",
      "presenceOfChildrenIndicator" : "H"
    "finance" : {
      "income" : "$30,000 - $39,999",
      "incomeIndicator" : "H ",
      "netWorth" : "$150,000 - $249,999"
  "demographics" : {
    "age" : {
      "value" : 40
    "homeInfo" : {
      "homeOwner" : "Definite Renter",
      "homeOwnerIndicator" : "S"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "niches" : "Chic Society"
    "maritalInfo" : {
      "maritalStatus" : "Married",
      "maritalStatusIndicator" : "S"
  "emails" : [ ],
  "phones" : [ ],
  "profiles" : { },
  "locations" : [ ],
  "employment" : [ ],
  "photos" : [ ],
  "education" : [ ],
  "urls" : [ ],
  "marketTrends" : {
    "seekers" : {
      "freshFood" : "Likely"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "barandLoungeFood" : "Highly Likely",
      "brandLoyalists" : "Likely",
      "breakfastDining" : "Unlikely",
      "carryOut" : "Unlikely",
      "casualDining" : "Likely",
      "coffee" : "Unlikely",
      "dinnerDining" : "Highly Likely",
      "fineDining" : "Likely",
      "lunchDining" : "Highly Likely",
      "quickServiceRestaurant" : "Likely"
    "buyers" : {
      "heavyFiberFocusedFood" : "Unlikely",
      "heavyGlutenFreeFood" : "Highly Likely",
      "heavyLowFatFood" : "Unlikely"
    "chef" : {
      "experimental" : "Highly Likely",
      "master" : "Highly Likely",
      "realIngredient" : "Likely"
    "customers" : {
      "cateringDelivery" : "Unlikely",
      "cateringPickUp" : "Unlikely",
      "clicktoCartHomeDelivery" : "Highly Likely",
      "onlineDeliveryRestaurant" : "Likely",
      "onlinePickUpRestaurant" : "Likely",
      "restaurantLoyaltyCard" : "Highly Likely",
      "subscriptionorAutoShipmentFoodorBeverage" : "Highly Likely",
      "qsrcash" : "Unlikely"
    "consumers" : {
      "contactlessPayApplication" : "Likely",
      "dietConsciousHouseholds" : "Likely",
      "freshFoodDelivery" : "Likely",
      "intheMarkettoPurchaseaHome" : "Likely",
      "lowSodium" : "Highly Likely",
      "mealCombo" : "Highly Likely",
      "mealKitDelivery" : "Highly Likely",
      "pandemicInRestaurantDiners" : "Likely",
      "vegetarians" : "Highly Likely",
      "wellnessHouseholdsHealth" : "Likely"
    "readers" : {
      "retailerCircular" : "Highly Likely"
    "subscribers" : {
      "retailerEmail" : "Unlikely"
    "planners" : {
      "budgetMeal" : "Highly Likely",
      "meal" : "Highly Likely"
    "purchasers" : {
      "greenProduct" : "Unlikely",
      "organicFood" : "Unlikely",
      "organicProduct" : "Likely"
    "shoppers" : {
      "privateLabel" : "Likely"
    "users" : {
      "heavyCoupon" : "Likely",
      "restaurantApp" : "Likely",
      "restaurantLoyaltyApp" : "Unlikely"
Properties string The full name (first and last) of the individual.
details.age.value integer The age in years of the individual.
details.gender string The gender of the individual.
Properties: details.household
familyInfo.Numberofchildren string The number of known children in the household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
homeInfo.Dwellingtype string This indicate the type of structure of the building in which the household resides.
homeInfo.Dwellingtypeindicator string Advantage dwelling type indicator.
homeInfo.Householdeducation string Median school years completed by adults age 18 or older.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidence string This indicates the length of time a household has been identified at this address.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidenceindicator string length of residence indicator.
homeInfo.Familycomposition string This represents the makeup of the household, such as married couple with children, married couple with no children or single female with no children.
presence.Presenceofchildren string Child present in household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
presence.Presenceofchildrenindicator string presence of children indicator.
Incomeindicator string This reflects whether data is sourced via self-reported income or inferred.
Incomeindex string Reflects an index comparing a household's income to the average income for the county in which the household resides..
Networth string This estimates the Net Worth model. Value equals household's asset minus liabilities.
Properties: details.demographics
age.value string The age in years of the individual.
homeInfo.Homeowner string Classification of household head as an owner/renter.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
enthusiasts.niches string A specialised segment of the consumers.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatus string Marital status of individual.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatusindicator string individual marital status indicator.
Additional Properties
Properties: details.marketTrends
seekers.Freshfood string Interested in and purchase fresh food (grocery perimeter items).
enthusiasts.Barandloungefood string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to go to bars, clubs or lounges 3X a week or more.
enthusiasts.Brandloyalists string This model includes specific brand preferences (Chobani vs. yogurt) and focus on brand svs. price.
enthusiasts.Breakfastdining string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood dine out frequently for breakfast.
enthusiasts.Carryout string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to go to carryout restaurants 3X a week or more.
enthusiasts.Casualdining string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to go to casual dining restaurants 3x a week or more.
enthusiasts.Coffee string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to go to coffee houses/cafes and get coffee to go at least 3x a month.
enthusiasts.Dinnerdining string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to dine out frequently for dinner.
enthusiasts.Finedining string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to go to fine dining restaurants 3X a week or more.
enthusiasts.Lunchdining string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood dine out frequently for lunch.
enthusiasts.Quickservicerestaurant string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood togo to quick service restaurants 3X a week or more.
buyers.Heavyfiberfocusedfoodbuyers string Greater likelihood to purchase product high in fiber.
buyers.Heavyglutenfreefoodbuyers string Greater likelihood to product without gluten.
buyers.Heavylowfatfoodbuyers string Greater likelihood to purchase low fat foods.
chef.Experimentalcooks string Cooks that like to explore new recipes and meal ideas.
chef.Mastercook string Skilled cooks that enjoy the experience of cooking.
chef.Realingredientcook string Cook ingredients that take additional preparation work(buy lettuce vs. bagged salad).
customers.Cateringdeliverycustomers string Ordered catered food online and had it delivered in the last 12 months
customers.Cateringpickupcustomers01 string Ordered catered food online and had it pickup in the last 12 months
customers.Clicktocarthomedeliverycustomers string Shopped for groceries online and had them delivered to their home in the last 12 months.
customers.Clicktocarthomedeliverycustomers string Shopped for groceries online and had them delivered to their home in the last 12 months.
customers.Onlinedeliveryrestaurantcustomers string Ordered food online from a restaurant 4+ times and had it delivered in the past 12 months
customers.Onlinepickuprestaurantcustomers string Ordered food online from a restaurant 4+ times and picked it up in the past 12 months.
customers.Qsrcashcustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to pay cash at QSRs.
customers.Restaurantloyaltycardcustomers string This model uses 3+ restaurant loyalty cards regularly
customers.Subscrorautoshipmentfoodorbeveragecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be subscribers.
consumers.Contactlesspayapplicationconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use contactless payment methods.
consumers.Dietconscioushouseholds string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to diet for health, eat low sugar, low fat or low calorie food diets and have an interest in weight loss.
consumers.Freshfooddeliveryconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have fresh food delivered.
consumers.Inthemarkettogetahomeloan string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase a home in next 12 months.
consumers.Lowsodiumconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have low sodium diets.
consumers.Mealcomboconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase meal combos at restaurants.
consumers.Mealkitdeliveryconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have meal kits delivered.
consumers.Pandemicinrestaurantdiners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to dine in restaurants during the pandemic.
consumers.Vegetarians string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be vegetarians.
consumers.Wellnesshouseholdshealth string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to exercise on a regular basis, go to a doctor regularly, eat organic/healthy food diets and have an interest in natural foods.
readers.Retailercircularreaders string This model indicates shoppers who have an increased likelihood to research trips by reviewing newspaper or digital circulars.
subscribers.Retaileremailsubscribers string This model estimates greater likelihood to subscribe to retailer emails.
planners.Budgetmealplanners string This model estimate the plan meals in advance to manage budgets and stretch dollars.
planners.Mealplanners string This model indicates shoppers who develop weekly meal plans and shopping list to match their meal plans.
purchasers.Greenproductpurchasers string Purchase or seek products that are non toxic, energy and water-efficient, and harmless to the environment.
purchasers.Organicfoodpurchasers string This model represents customers who seek food made from organic raw materials and organic certification.
purchasers.Organicproductpurchasers string This model represents customers who seek products made from organic raw materials and organic certification.
shoppers.Privatelabelshopper string This model indicates shoppers that have a greater likelihood to purchase private label brands.
users.Heavycouponusers string Increased likelihood to be active coupon clippers and redeemers.
users.Restaurantappusers string This model represents the customers using regularly use 2+ apps for restaurants
users.Restaurantloyaltyappusers string This model use restaurant apps that have a connection to a loyalty or rewards program


The Retail Insights Bundle provides most core information related to the retail market trends of your  customers and prospects and their spending patterns and the keys in the details object represents a Person Summary.

  "name" : null,
  "age" : {
    "value" : 40
  "gender" : null,
  "household" : {
    "familyInfo" : {
      "numberOfChildren" : "2"
    "homeInfo" : {
      "dwellingType" : "Business",
      "dwellingTypeIndicator" : "S",
      "householdEducation" : "College",
      "householdEducationIndicator" : "S",
      "lengthOfResidence" : "20+ yrs",
      "lengthOfResidenceIndicator" : "S",
      "familyComposition" : "9"
    "presence" : {
      "presenceOfChildren" : "Y",
      "presenceOfChildrenIndicator" : "H"
    "finance" : {
      "income" : "$30,000 - $39,999",
      "incomeIndicator" : "H ",
      "netWorth" : "$150,000 - $249,999"
  "demographics" : {
    "age" : {
      "value" : 40
    "homeInfo" : {
      "homeOwner" : "Definite Renter",
      "homeOwnerIndicator" : "S"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "niches" : "Chic Society"
    "maritalInfo" : {
      "maritalStatus" : "Married",
      "maritalStatusIndicator" : "S"
  "emails" : [ ],
  "phones" : [ ],
  "profiles" : { },
  "locations" : [ ],
  "employment" : [ ],
  "photos" : [ ],
  "education" : [ ],
  "urls" : [ ],
  "marketTrends" : {
    "seekers" : {
      "freshFood" : "Likely"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "brandLoyalists" : "Likely",
      "cigarPipe" : "Likely",
      "coffee" : "Unlikely",
      "dinnerDining" : "Highly Likely",
      "homeShoppingNetwork" : "Likely",
      "kroger" : "Unlikely",
      "target" : "Likely",
      "valueChains" : "Highly Likely",
      "walmart" : "Unlikely"
    "buyers" : {
      "christmasOrnamentsCollectibles" : "Unlikely",
      "heavyFiberFocusedFood" : "Unlikely",
      "heavyGlutenFreeFood" : "Highly Likely",
      "heavyLowFatFood" : "Unlikely"
    "chef" : {
      "experimental" : "Highly Likely",
      "master" : "Highly Likely",
      "realIngredient" : "Likely"
    "customers" : {
      "amazonPrime" : "Highly Likely",
      "clicktoCartHomeDelivery" : "Highly Likely",
      "clicktoCartPickUp" : "Likely",
      "groceryLoyaltyCard" : "Likely",
      "mensBigandTallApparel" : "Highly Likely",
      "newRoof" : "Likely",
      "plantoPurchaseSmartHomeProducts" : "Likely",
      "subscriptionorAutoShipmentClothAccessories" : "Likely",
      "subscriptionorAutoShipmentFoodorBeverage" : "Highly Likely",
      "subscriptionorAutoShipmentHouseholdProduct" : "Likely",
      "subscriptionorAutoShipmentPersonalCare" : "Likely",
      "subscriptionorAutoShipmentPetProducts" : "Highly Likely",
      "subscriptionorAutoShipment" : "Highly Likely",
      "womensPlusSizeApparel" : "Likely",
      "qsrcash" : "Unlikely"
    "consumers" : {
      "coinsCollector" : "Likely",
      "contactlessPayApplication" : "Likely",
      "doitYourselfer" : "Unlikely",
      "gamers" : "Likely",
      "groceryStoreFrequenters" : "Likely",
      "homeRemodelers" : "Unlikely",
      "intheMarkettoPurchaseaHome" : "Likely",
      "mealKitDelivery" : "Highly Likely",
      "pandemicLuxurySpenders" : "Likely",
      "pandemicRiskTolerant" : "Highly Likely",
      "plantogetFitnessMembership" : "Likely",
      "retailTexters" : "Highly Likely",
      "vegetarians" : "Highly Likely"
    "owners" : {
      "pet" : "Unlikely"
    "readers" : {
      "label" : "Highly Likely",
      "retailerCircular" : "Highly Likely"
    "subscribers" : {
      "retailerEmail" : "Unlikely"
    "planners" : {
      "budgetMeal" : "Highly Likely",
      "meal" : "Highly Likely",
      "preShop" : "Unlikely"
    "purchasers" : {
      "frequentMobile" : "Likely",
      "greenProduct" : "Unlikely",
      "impulse" : "Unlikely",
      "organicFood" : "Unlikely",
      "organicProduct" : "Likely",
      "webSurferBrickMortar" : "Likely",
      "webandBrickMortarViewerOnline" : "Likely"
    "spenders" : {
      "pandemicDecreasedSpenders" : "Likely"
    "shoppers" : {
      "bargain" : "Likely",
      "everydayLowPrice" : "Likely",
      "highend" : "Highly Likely",
      "multiRetailer" : "Likely",
      "oneStop" : "Likely",
      "priceMatchers" : "Highly Likely",
      "privateLabel" : "Likely",
      "quickShopAtWalmartOrTarget" : "Likely",
      "stockUp" : "Unlikely",
      "whatsOnSale" : "Likely"
    "stores" : {
      "stockUpAtGroceryStores" : "Unlikely",
      "stockUpAtWalmart" : "Unlikely"
    "users" : {
      "brandedRetailCreditCard" : "Highly Likely",
      "convenienceDrivenPersonalCareProduct" : "Highly Likely",
      "groceryStoreApp" : "Unlikely",
      "heavyCoupon" : "Likely",
      "mobileShoppingList" : "Likely",
      "paperShoppingList" : "Unlikely",
      "targetCartwheel" : "Unlikely",
      "walmartSavingCatcher" : "Unlikely"
Properties string The full name (first and last) of the individual.
details.age.value integer The age in years of the individual.
details.gender string The gender of the individual.
Properties: details.household
familyInfo.Numberofchildren string The number of known children in the household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
homeInfo.Dwellingtype string This indicate the type of structure of the building in which the household resides.
homeInfo.Dwellingtypeindicator string Advantage dwelling type indicator.
homeInfo.Householdeducation string Median school years completed by adults age 18 or older.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidence string This indicates the length of time a household has been identified at this address.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidenceindicator string length of residence indicator.
homeInfo.Familycomposition string This represents the makeup of the household, such as married couple with children, married couple with no children or single female with no children.
presence.Presenceofchildren string Child present in household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
presence.Presenceofchildrenindicator string presence of children indicator.
Incomeindicator string This reflects whether data is sourced via self-reported income or inferred.
Incomeindex string Reflects an index comparing a household's income to the average income for the county in which the household resides..
Networth string This estimates the Net Worth model. Value equals household's asset minus liabilities.
Properties: details.demographics
age.value string The age in years of the individual.
homeInfo.Homeowner string Classification of household head as an owner/renter.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
enthusiasts.niches string A specialised segment of the consumers.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatus string Marital status of individual.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatusindicator string individual marital status indicator.
Additional Properties
Properties: details.marketTrends
customers.Newroofcustomers string The model indicates customers who has purchased a new roof for home in the last 3 years
customers.Plantopurchasesmarthomeproductscustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be plan to purchase smart home products.
customers.Qsrcashcustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to pay cash at QSRs.
customers.Subscrorautoshipmentclothaccessoriescustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be subscribers.
customers.Subscrorautoshipmentfoodorbeveragecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be subscribers.
customers.Subscrorautoshipmenthouseholdproductcustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be subscribers.
customers.Subscrorautoshipmentpersonalcarecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be subscribers.
customers.Subscrorautoshipmentpetproductscustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be subscribers.
customers.Subscrorautoshipmentcustomers string This model estimates to have current subscriptions to magazines and/or books.
customers.Womensplussizeapparelcustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood be women's plus size households
consumers.Coinscollector string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to collect coins.
consumers.Contactlesspayapplicationconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use contactless payment methods.
consumers.Doityourselfer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to complete their own moderate to large home improvements.
consumers.Gamers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to participate in online gaming.
consumers.Grocerystorefrequenters string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to frequently shop at grocery stores.
consumers.Homeremodelers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to do home re modeling projects.
consumers.Inthemarkettogetahomeloan string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase a home in next 12 months.
consumers.Mealkitdeliveryconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have meal kits delivered.
consumers.Pandemicluxuryspenders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be luxury spenders during the pandemic.
consumers.Pandemicrisktolerantconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be risk tolerant during the pandemic.
consumers.Plantogetfitnessmembership string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to plan to get a membership in the next 12 months.
consumers.Retailtexters string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to open text messages from retailers.
consumers.Vegetarians string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be vegetarians.
owners.Petowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to own a pet.
readers.Labelreaders string The model indicates the Reader of product labels.
readers.Retailercircularreaders string This model indicates shoppers who have an increased likelihood to research trips by reviewing newspaper or digital circulars.
subscribers.Retaileremailsubscribers string The model indicates greater likelihood to subscribe to retailer emails.
planners.Budgetmealplanners string This model indicates customers plan meals in advance to manage budgets and stretch dollars.
planners.Mealplanners string This model indicates shoppers who develop weekly meal plans and shopping list to match their meal plans.
planners.Preshopplanners string This model indicates customer having greater likelihood shoppers are spending time research and planning trips prior to going to the store .
purchasers.Frequentmobilepurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to make purchases via their mobile phone.
purchasers.Greenproductpurchasers string The model indicates the purchase or seek products that are non toxic, energy and water-efficient, and harmless to the environment.
purchasers.Impulsepurchasers string The model indicates the increase in likelihood shoppers will purchase off. list items during in-store shopping.
purchasers.Organicfoodpurchasers string The model indicates customers who seek food made from organic raw materials and organic certification.
purchasers.Organicproductpurchasers string The model indicates customers who seek products made from organic raw materials and organic certification.
purchasers.Websurferbrickmortarpurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to first surf the web then make purchases in stores.
purchasers.Webandbrickmortarvieweronlinepurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to first surf the web and look at products in stores and then make purchases in online.
spenders.Pandemicdecreasedspenders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have decreased spending during the pandemic.
shoppers.Bargainshoppers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to shop on sale or use coupons.
shoppers.Everydaylowpriceshoppers string The model indicates the greater likelihood to shop at or favor everyday low price format (example: Walmart).
shoppers.Highendshoppers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to shop in high-end stores (specialty or department) such as Coach or Nord storms.
shoppers.Multiretailershoppers string The model indicates the increased likelihood of going to multiple retailers to execute their shopping list and fulfil shopping trip needs.
shoppers.Onestopshoppers string The model indicates customers who primarily shop at one retailer for each shopping trip.
shoppers.Pricematchers string The model indicates the shoppers that tend to match prices across retailers to where to shop and what to buy.
shoppers.Privatelabelshopper string The model indicates the shoppers that have a greater likelihood to purchase private label brands.
shoppers.Quickshopatwalmartortarget string The model indicates the shoppers that complete quick stop in trips at Walmart or Target.
shoppers.Stockupshoppers string The model indicates the increase likelihood to complete larger shopping trips to fill-up on items and stock their pantries.
shoppers.Whatsonsaleshoppers string The model indicates the greater likelihood shoppers plan what to buy based on what is on sale and will not purchase products unlesson sale.
stores.Stockupatgrocerystores string The model indicates the shopper that complete larger dollar sales trips at traditional grocery stores.
stores.Stockupatwalmart string The model indicates the shopper that complete larger dollar sales trips at Walmart stores.
users.Brandedretailcreditcardusers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to open cards specific to individual retailers or open cards to accrue points for use at retailer.
users.Conveniencedrivenpersonalcareproductusers string Most likely to purchase personal care products based on ease of use.
users.Grocerystoreappusers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use grocery store apps when they shop.
users.Heavycouponusers string This model estimates the increased in likelihood to be active coupon clippers and redeemers.
users.Mobileshoppinglistusers string This model indicates the greater likelihood to make a shopping list on their mobile phone.
users.Papershoppinglistusers string The model indicates the shoppers who make and use paper list.
users.Targetcartwheelusers string The model indicates the shoppers that report using the Target Cartwheel App.
users.Walmartsavingcatcherusers string The model indicates the shoppers that report using the Walmart SavingsCatcher App.

Technology and Communication

The Technology & Communications Insights Bundle provides the most useful information related to the technology penetration/Usage of different technologies by your customers and prospects and the keys in the details object represents a Person Summary.

  "name" : null,
  "age" : {
    "value" : 40
  "gender" : null,
  "household" : {
    "familyInfo" : {
      "numberOfChildren" : "2"
    "homeInfo" : {
      "dwellingType" : "Business",
      "dwellingTypeIndicator" : "S",
      "householdEducation" : "College",
      "householdEducationIndicator" : "S",
      "lengthOfResidence" : "20+ yrs",
      "lengthOfResidenceIndicator" : "S",
      "familyComposition" : "9"
    "presence" : {
      "presenceOfChildren" : "Y",
      "presenceOfChildrenIndicator" : "H"
    "finance" : {
      "income" : "$30,000 - $39,999",
      "incomeIndicator" : "H ",
      "netWorth" : "$150,000 - $249,999"
  "demographics" : {
    "age" : {
      "value" : 40
    "homeInfo" : {
      "homeOwner" : "Definite Renter",
      "homeOwnerIndicator" : "S"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "niches" : "Chic Society"
    "maritalInfo" : {
      "maritalStatus" : "Married",
      "maritalStatusIndicator" : "S"
  "emails" : [ ],
  "phones" : [ ],
  "profiles" : { },
  "locations" : [ ],
  "employment" : [ ],
  "photos" : [ ],
  "education" : [ ],
  "urls" : [ ],
  "marketTrends" : {
    "switchers" : {
      "mobilePhoneService" : "Unlikely"
    "seekers" : {
      "onlineDegreeEducation" : "Likely"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "artHouseMovie" : "Highly Likely",
      "discountMovie" : "Highly Likely",
      "fantasySports" : "Likely",
      "freeStreaming" : "Likely",
      "frequentMovie" : "Highly Likely",
      "gamingnonMobileDevices" : "Likely",
      "mobileGaming" : "Highly Likely",
      "openingWeekendMovie" : "Likely",
      "paidStreaming" : "Unlikely"
    "customers" : {
      "directMediaPreference" : "Likely",
      "internationalWirelessorLandline" : "Unlikely",
      "internetResearchPreference" : "Unlikely",
      "plantoPurchaseSmartHomeProducts" : "Likely",
      "quantumUpgrade" : "Unlikely",
      "smartHome" : "Likely",
      "socialMediaPreference" : "Likely",
      "sprintCellPhoneCustomer" : "Unlikely",
      "verizonCellPhoneCustomer" : "Highly Likely",
      "wiredService" : "Unlikely",
      "tmobileCellPhoneCustomer" : "Likely",
      "at_TCellPhoneCustomer" : "Likely",
      "voiplandline" : "Highly Likely"
    "consumers" : {
      "cableBundlecableinternethomephone" : "Likely",
      "contactlessPayApplication" : "Likely",
      "cordCutters" : "Likely",
      "frequentOnlineMovieViewers" : "Likely",
      "gamers" : "Likely",
      "gigEconomyEmployees" : "Highly Likely",
      "intheMarkettoPurchaseaHome" : "Likely",
      "intendtoPurchaseaSamsungmobiledevice" : "Likely",
      "intendtopurchase5GService" : "Unlikely",
      "mobileBrowsers" : "Likely",
      "movieLoyaltyProgramMembers" : "Likely",
      "plantoPurchaseHomeSecuritySystems" : "Unlikely",
      "satelliteBundlesatelliteinethomeorwireless" : "Highly Likely",
      "sociallyInfluenced" : "Unlikely",
      "technologyEarlyAdopters" : "Highly Likely",
      "teleMedicine" : "Likely",
      "wiredLineVideoConnectors" : "Likely"
    "owners" : {
      "androidSmartPhone" : "Likely",
      "appleSmartPhone" : "Unlikely",
      "smartTV" : "Highly Likely",
      "tablet" : "Likely"
    "subscribers" : {
      "cableTVPremium" : "Likely",
      "satelliteRadio" : "Likely"
    "purchasers" : {
      "frequentMobile" : "Likely",
      "frequentOnlineMusic" : "Highly Likely"
    "users" : {
      "app" : "Likely",
      "mobileShoppingList" : "Likely",
      "primaryCellPhone" : "Unlikely",
      "smartPhone" : "Unlikely",
      "sociallyActiveonFacebook" : "Highly Likely",
      "sociallyActiveonFacebookBrandLikers" : "Unlikely",
      "sociallyActiveonFacebookCategoryRecommenders" : "Highly Likely",
      "sociallyActiveonPinterest" : "Unlikely",
      "sociallyActiveonTwitter" : "Unlikely"
Properties string The full name (first and last) of the individual.
details.age.value integer The age in years of the individual.
details.gender string The gender of the individual.
Properties: details.household
familyInfo.Numberofchildren string The number of known children in the household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
homeInfo.Dwellingtype string This indicate the type of structure of the building in which the household resides.
homeInfo.Dwellingtypeindicator string Advantage dwelling type indicator.
homeInfo.Householdeducation string Median school years completed by adults age 18 or older.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidence string This indicates the length of time a household has been identified at this address.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidenceindicator string length of residence indicator.
homeInfo.Familycomposition string This represents the makeup of the household, such as married couple with children, married couple with no children or single female with no children.
presence.Presenceofchildren string Child present in household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
presence.Presenceofchildrenindicator string presence of children indicator.
Incomeindicator string This reflects whether data is sourced via self-reported income or inferred.
Incomeindex string Reflects an index comparing a household's income to the average income for the county in which the household resides..
Discretionaryspendingincome string Household income after taxes, shelter, food, clothes, transportation, utilities, and healthcare.
Networth string This estimates the Net Worth model. Value equals household's asset minus liabilities.
Properties: details.demographics
age.value string The age in years of the individual.
homeInfo.Homeowner string Classification of household head as an owner/renter.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
enthusiasts.niches string A specialised segment of the consumers.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatus string Marital status of individual.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatusindicator string individual marital status indicator.
Additional Properties
Properties: details.marketTrends
switchers.Mobilephoneservice string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to switch mobile phone services.
seekers.Onlinedegreeeducation string This model ranks consumers based on their likelihood to be online degree/online education seekers.
enthusiasts.Arthousemovie string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to attend art house movie venues.
enthusiasts.Discountmovie string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to attend discount movies.
enthusiasts.Fantasysports string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to participate in fantasy sports.
enthusiasts.Freestreaming string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use free streaming services.
enthusiasts.Frequentmovie string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to attend movies.
enthusiasts.Gamingnonmobiledevices string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be gaming enthusiasts on non Mobile-devices.
enthusiasts.Mobilegaming string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be mobile game enthusiasts.
enthusiasts.Openingweekendmovie string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to go attend movies on opening weekend.
enthusiasts.Paidstreaming string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to pay for streaming services.
customers.AT_Tcellphonecustomer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be an AT&T Cell Phone Customer.
customers.Directmediapreferencecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to review media via postal mail.
customers.Internationalwirelessorlandlinecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have this service.
customers.Internetresearchpreferencecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to review media via searches online.
customers.Plantopurchasesmarthomeproductscustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be plan to purchase smart home products.
customers.Quantumupgradecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to require greater than 50 meg storage upgrades via internet plans.
customers.Smarthomecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be smart home customers.
customers.Socialmediapreferencecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to review media via social networks.
customers.Sprintcellphonecustomer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be a Sprint Cell Phone Customer.
customers.Tmobilecellphonecustomer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be a T-Mobile Cell Phone Customer .
customers.Voiplandlinecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have this service.
customers.Verizoncellphonecustomer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be a Verizon Cell Phone Customer.
customers.Wiredservicecustomers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have wired service.
consumers.Cablebundlecableinternethomephone string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase cable, internet and home phone from the same provider.
consumers.Contactlesspayapplicationconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use contactless payment methods.
consumers.Cordcutters string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood not to have cable or paid TV subscriptions.
consumers.Frequentonlinemovieviewers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to access movies online.
consumers.Gamers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to participate in online gaming.
consumers.Gigeconomyemployees string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be gig employed.
consumers.Inthemarkettopurchaseahome string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase a condo/apartment/house in next 12 months.
consumers.Intendtopurchaseasamsungmobiledevice string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase a Samsung Mobile Device.
consumers.Intendtopurchase5Gservice string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase 5G service.
consumers.Mobilebrowsers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to research products via their mobile phone.
consumers.Movieloyaltyprogrammembers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to belong to movie loyalty programs.
consumers.Plantopurchasehomesecuritysystems string This model ranks consumers based upon the. likelihood to purchase a security system in the next 12months.
consumers.Satellitebundlesatelliteinethomeorwireless string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase satellite and internet and at least one of home or wireless phone services from the same provider
consumers.Technologyearlyadopters string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to invest in new technology.
consumers.Telemedicineconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use tele-medicine.
consumers.Wiredlinevideoconnectors string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to plan to own aWired Line Video Connector.
owners.Androidsmartphoneowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to ownAndroid smart phones.
owners.Applesmartphoneowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to own Apple smart phones.
owners.Smarttvowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to own a SmartTV.
owners.Tabletowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to own tablets such as the iPad.
subscribers.Cabletvpremiumsubscribers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have premium channel service (eg: NFL, HBO, Showtime).
subscribers.Satelliteradiosubscribers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to subscribe.
purchasers.Frequentmobilepurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to make purchases via their mobile phone.
purchasers.Frequentonlinemusicpurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase music online.
users.Appusers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use apps.
users.Mobileshoppinglistusers string This model ranks the greater likelihood to make a shopping list on their mobile phone.
users.Primarycellphoneusers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use their cell phone as primary phone.
users.Smartphoneuser string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use a smartphone.
users.Sociallyactiveonfacebook string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to useFacebook with 100+ contacts.
users.Sociallyactiveonfacebookbrandlikers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to like numerous brands on Facebook.
users.Sociallyactiveonfacebookcategoryrecommenders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to recommend numerous categories on Facebook.
users.Sociallyactiveonpinterest string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use Pinterest daily.
users.Sociallyactiveontwitter string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use Twitter daily.

Travel and Hospitality

The Travel & Hospitality Insights Bundle provides the most valuable information related to the travel interests of your customers and prospects. This helps in getting to know your customers and to provide them with personalised offers and experiences based on their interests and past interactions and the keys in the details object represents a Person Summary.

  "name" : null,
  "age" : {
    "value" : 40
  "gender" : null,
  "household" : {
    "familyInfo" : {
      "numberOfChildren" : "2"
    "homeInfo" : {
      "dwellingType" : "Business",
      "dwellingTypeIndicator" : "S",
      "householdEducation" : "College",
      "householdEducationIndicator" : "S",
      "lengthOfResidence" : "20+ yrs",
      "lengthOfResidenceIndicator" : "S",
      "familyComposition" : "9"
    "presence" : {
      "presenceOfChildren" : "Y",
      "presenceOfChildrenIndicator" : "H"
    "finance" : {
      "income" : "$30,000 - $39,999",
      "incomeIndicator" : "H ",
      "discretionarySpendingIncome" : "$65,000 - $74,999",
      "netWorth" : "$150,000 - $249,999"
  "demographics" : {
    "age" : {
      "value" : 40
    "homeInfo" : {
      "homeOwner" : "Definite Renter",
      "homeOwnerIndicator" : "S"
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "niches" : "Chic Society"
    "maritalInfo" : {
      "maritalStatus" : "Married",
      "maritalStatusIndicator" : "S"
  "surveys" : {
    "travel" : {
      "timeshare" : "Y",
      "business" : "Y",
      "cruiseShipVacation" : "Y",
      "international" : "Y",
      "leisure" : "Y",
      "rvVacations" : "Y",
      "travelInTheUSA" : "Y",
      "traveler" : "Y"
  "emails" : [ ],
  "phones" : [ ],
  "profiles" : { },
  "locations" : [ ],
  "employment" : [ ],
  "photos" : [ ],
  "education" : [ ],
  "urls" : [ ],
  "marketTrends" : {
    "enthusiasts" : {
      "barandLoungeFood" : "Highly Likely"
    "attendees" : {
      "amusementPark" : "Unlikely",
      "culturalArtsEvents" : "Unlikely",
      "liveMusicConcert" : "Highly Likely",
      "professionalSportsEvents" : "Likely"
    "consumers" : {
      "airlineUpgraders" : "Likely",
      "casinoGamer" : "Highly Likely",
      "contactlessPayApplication" : "Likely",
      "hotelLoyaltyProgramMembers" : "Likely",
      "intheMarkettoPurchaseaHome" : "Likely",
      "likelyCruiser" : "Likely",
      "longRoadTripTakers" : "Likely",
      "personalTraveler" : "Likely",
      "upcomingRetirees65andOlder" : "Unlikely"
    "owners" : {
      "secondHome" : "Likely",
      "timeshare" : "Highly Likely"
    "travellers" : {
      "business" : "Unlikely",
      "international" : "Likely",
      "rvtripTakers" : "Unlikely"
    "purchasers" : {
      "impulse" : "Unlikely",
      "rv" : "Likely"
    "spenders" : {
      "vacationSpenders" : "Likely"
    "shoppers" : {
      "bargainHotel" : "Highly Likely"
    "users" : {
      "publicTransportation" : "Highly Likely",
      "uberOrLyft" : "Unlikely"
Properties string The full name (first and last) of the individual.
details.age.value integer The age in years of the individual.
details.gender string The gender of the individual.
Properties: details.household
familyInfo.Numberofchildren string The number of known children in the household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
homeInfo.Dwellingtype string This indicate the type of structure of the building in which the household resides.
homeInfo.Dwellingtypeindicator string Advantage dwelling type indicator.
homeInfo.Householdeducation string Median school years completed by adults age 18 or older.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidence string This indicates the length of time a household has been identified at this address.
homeInfo.Lengthofresidenceindicator string length of residence indicator.
homeInfo.Familycomposition string This represents the makeup of the household, such as married couple with children, married couple with no children or single female with no children.
presence.Presenceofchildren string Child present in household; Unknown should not be interpreted as "No" children.
presence.Presenceofchildrenindicator string presence of children indicator.
Incomeindicator string This reflects whether data is sourced via self-reported income or inferred.
Incomeindex string Reflects an index comparing a household's income to the average income for the county in which the household resides..
Discretionaryspendingincome string Household income after taxes, shelter, food, clothes, transportation, utilities, and healthcare.
Networth string This estimates the Net Worth model. Value equals household's asset minus liabilities.
Properties: details.demographics
age.value string The age in years of the individual.
homeInfo.Homeowner string Classification of household head as an owner/renter.
homeInfo.Householdeducationindicator string household education indicator.
enthusiasts.niches string A specialised segment of the consumers.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatus string Marital status of individual.
maritalinfo.Maritalstatusindicator string individual marital status indicator.
Properties: details.survey
travel.Timeshare string This model indicates the interest present in Household for timeshare travel
travel.Business string This model indicates the interest present in Household for business travel
travel.Cruiseshipvacation string This model indicates the interest present in Household for cruise ship vacation
travel.International string This model indicates the interest present in Household for international travel
travel.Leisure string This model indicates the interest present in Household for leisure travel
travel.Travelintheusa string This model indicates the interest present in Household for travel in the usa
travel.Traveler string This model indicates the interest present in Household for travel
travel.Rvvacations string This model indicates the interest present in Household for RV vacations
Additional Properties
Properties: details.marketTrends
enthusiasts.Barandloungefood string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to go to bars, clubs or lounges 3X a week or more.
Attendees.Amusementpark string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood attend amusement parks.
Attendees.Culturalartsevents string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to attend these events.
Attendees.Livemusicconcert string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to attend concerts.
Attendees.Professionalsportsevents string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to attend these events.
consumers.Airlineupgraders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to be willing to pay slightly more for an airline coach seat with more legroom (i.e. Delta Comfort or American Main Cabin Extra)at check-in.
consumers.Casinogamer string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood the household is a casino gamer.
consumers.Contactlesspayapplicationconsumers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to use contactless payment methods.
consumers.Hotelloyaltyprogrammembers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to belong to one or more hotel member programs.
consumers.Inthemarkettopurchaseahome string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to purchase a condo/apartment/house in next 12 months.
consumers.Likelycruiser string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to take cruises.
consumers.Longroadtriptakers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to take long road trips.
consumers.Personaltraveler string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to engage in personal travel at least 11 days per year .
consumers.Upcomingretirees65Andolder string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to retire at age 65 and older in the next 12 months.
owners.Secondhomeowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to have more than on residence.
owners.Timeshareowners string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to belong to own timeshares.
travellers.Businesstraveler string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to travel for business at least 11 days per year.
travellers.Internationaltraveler string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to conduct international travel.
travellers.Rvtriptakers string This model which ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to take RV trips.
purchasers.Impulsepurchasers string This model indicates the increased likelihood shoppers will purchase off list items during in-store shopping.
purchasers.Rvpurchasers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to take RV trips.
spenders.Vacationspenders string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to spend $4000+ annually on personal vacations.
shoppers.Bargainhotelshoppers string This model ranks consumers based upon their likelihood to belong to shop for hotels based upon price concessions.
users.Publictransportationusers string This model ranks consumers based on their likelihood to regularly use public transportation (eg: trains, bus).
users.Uberlyftusers string This model ranks consumers based on their likelihood to use a private ride-sharing service.