Professional Signals

Receive key employment signals associated with an individual to flag suspicious activities or validate identities.

Professional Signals enables you to retrieve the current place of employment of a given contact along with when the individual began that position and their LinkedIn profile. These signals will be returned within the employment and education keys.

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {Your API Key}' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "phones": [
  "location": {
    "addressLine1": "123 Main Street",
    "city": "Denver",
    "region": "Colorado",
    "regionCode": "CO",
    "postalCode": "80203"
  "name": {
    "given": "Sally",
    "family": "Smith"
  "profiles": [{
    "service": "twitter",
    "username": "smith"
    }, {
    "service": "twitter",
    "userid": "123456"
    }, {
    "service": "linkedin",
    "url": ""
    }, {
    "service": "github",
    "url": ""
  "employment": [
      "current": true,
      "company": "ID Fraud, Inc.",
      "domain": "",
      "title": "Chief Technology Officer",
      "start": {
        "year": 2023,
        "month": 10,
        "day": 18
      "current": false,
      "company": "She Sells Sea Shells, LLC",
      "domain": "shesells.seashells",
      "title": "Marketing Director",
      "start": {
        "year": 2018,
        "month": 10,
        "day": 1
      "end": {
        "year": 2020,
        "month": 2,
        "day": 1
  "education": [
      "name": "Colorado State University",
      "degree": "B.S. Marketing Science",
      "end": {
        "year": 2009,
        "month": 12,
        "day": 21

Professional Signals Response Properties

Property NameTypeDescription
employment[n].currentbooleanIndicator of whether or not this is the current place of employment.
employment[n].companystringThe name of the organization/place of employment
employment[n].titlestringJob or position title held by the individual.
employment[n].domainstringThe domain of the company at which the individual works
employment[n].start.yearintegerThe first year the individual worked at the particular place of employment.
employment[n].start.monthintegerThe first month the individual worked at the particular place of employment.
employment[n].start.dayintegerThe first day the individual worked at the particular place of employment.
employment[n].end.yearintegerThe last year the individual worked at the particular place of employment.
employment[n].end.monthintegerThe last month the individual worked at the particular place of employment.
employment[n].end.dayintegerThe last day the individual worked at the particular place of employment.
education[n].nameThe name of the school the person attended
education[n].degreeThe name of the degree obtained by the individual
education[n].end.yearThe year the individual graduated from this school
education[n].end.monthThe month the individual graduated from this school
education[n].end.dayThe day the individual graduated from this school

Response Codes & Errors

Response CodesMessage
200 - OKYour request was successful
204 - No ContentIndividual is not found within Fideo's Identity Graph
400 - Bad RequestYour request was invalid
500 - Server ErrorSomething is broken on Fideo's side. If you encounter this, please contact us at [email protected] for assistance.
503 - Service UnavailableThere is a transient downstream error condition. We include a 'Retry-After' header dictating when to attempt the call again.