
Verify Activity provides an aggregated numerical score (0-1.0) of the level of activity we see across various channels for an individual regardless of the multi-field input provided. Generally speaking, the higher the activity score, the less risky an individual is seemed to be.

These scores take into account both digital and terrestrial ecosystems alongside both professional and personal contact data components.


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Activity Type

Numerical score (0-1.0) of email activity associated with an individual.

Some factors taken into account to create this score are observation counts and number of sources from FullContact's identity graph, first/last seen timestamps and whether or not the hashed email is linked to a 1st party cookie.

Numerical score (0-1.0) of employment activity associated with an individual.

Some factors taken into account to create this score are observation counts and number of sources from FullContact's identity graph, if a LinkedIn photo exists, if the individual is employed and number of historical jobs.

Numerical score (0-1.0) of online activity associated with an individual.

Some factors taken into account to create this score are observation counts and number of sources from FullContact's identity graph, first/last seen timestamps and number of digital identifiers.

Numerical score (0-1.0) of social activity associated with an individual.

Some factors taken into account to create this score are observation counts and number of sources from FullContact's identity graph, number of followers on social platforms and number of social platforms linked to an individual.
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {Your API Key}' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "phone": "+15552227799"
    "email" : 0.82,
    "online" : 0.91,
    "social" : 0.32,
    "employment" : 0.78

Response Codes & Errors

Response CodesMessage
200 - OKYour request was successful
204 - No ContentIndividual is not found within FullContact's Identity Graph
400 - Bad RequestYour request was invalid
500 - Server ErrorSomething is broken on FullContact's side. If you encounter this, please contact us at [email protected] for assistance.
503 - Service UnavailableThere is a transient downstream error condition. We include a 'Retry-After' header dictating when to attempt the call again.